Page:The Chinese Empire. A General & Missionary Survey.djvu/553

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Companion Volume to The Chinese Empire Containing 22 Maps of all the Provinces A Large Atlas r i.f /^t-' °f China Proper and Ot the L.hmeSe ^^e Dependencies of Empire* Manchuria^ Mongolia, Tibet, etc. Scale of China Proper, i : 3,000,000, or about 47 miles to the inch. „ Dependencies, I : 7,500,000 „ 120 ,, ,, This Atlas is being specially drawn by Mr. Edward Stanford, Geographer to the King, and is based upon the latest Surveys. A list of some of the recent Surveys used will be found in the Preface of the present volume, page xiii. The orthography will be that recently and finally adopted by the Chinese Imperial Post Office. The Atlas will therefore, both as based upon the latest Surveys and as employing the revised orthography, supersede all earlier Maps and Atlases. At the time of going to Press with The Chinese Empire, the Atlas is fully engraved with the exception of the insertion of the names. Published by the China Inland Mission, London, Philadelphia, Toronto, and Melbourne. I