Page:The Chinese language and how to learn it.djvu/60

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82. No, he has not. He not come kuo.
83. Has he made this statement before? He speak kuo this piece talk, not have.
84. It is not that there is none; he won't give me any. Not is not have; he not give me.
85. Did he ask for any money? He want ed money not want.
86. He did demand some, but I would not give him any. He want kuo, I not give him.
87. I must be off. I want walk lo.
88. Good bye! Please.
89. You ask him if he wants it, if he doesn't want it I'll give it to you. You ask him want not want, he not want I give you.
90. Have you seen this before? This piece you look see kuo not have.
91. No, I have not seen it before. I not look see kuo.
92. Please take the upper seat. Please above sit.
93. He is a passer by. He is pass come man.
94. Has he passed by? He pass come ed not have.
95. I don't know whether his business is good or not. I not know his business good not good.
96. He can't want as many things as that. He want cannot thus some piece things.
97. What is inside that? That inside have what.
98. Ask him to come up, I have something to say. Invite him up come; I have talk say.
99. Do you think this is good? You regard this piece good not good.
100. Yes, it's good, but not so good as that. Good, is good, not have that piece good.
101. This is yours, is it not? This is yours not is.
102. Is this yours, or is it not? This is yours not is yours.
103. Do you think that what he says is correct? You regard he speak ing is, not is.
104. Bring it here and let me see it. Bring here come, give me look a look.

96. 些個 hsieh1 ko4 some.
104. 這裏 chê4 li3 here.
104. 這兒 chê4 ʻrh here (Peking colloquial).
120. 外頭 wai4 tʻou2 outside