Page:The Christian's Last End (Volume 2).djvu/105

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On the Joyful Entry of the Elect into Heaven.

into everlasting fire;” and that meditation we made in the holy season of Advent. Ah, do not forget it! Think often of it; consider what it means to be rejected by God, to be accursed by God, to be sent to eternal fire! And now for the encouragement of all in the divine service I shall take a more consoling subject, namely, the far different sentence that shall be passed on the just on that day: “Come, ye blessed,” etc. Continues as above.




The triumphal and joyful entry of the elect into heaven, and the description of their journey from the valley of Josaphat into the eternal kingdom.—Preached on the feast of St. John Evangelist.


Quem diligebat Jesus.—John xxi. 20.

“Whom Jesus loved.”


What happiness for a man to be loved by Jesus, the Son of God! O holy Saint John! even during thy life thou didst enjoy this distinction above the other apostles, for thou wert the disciple “whom Jesus loved.” My dear brethren, all of us can have the same good fortune if we are only in the state of sanctifying grace, and love Jesus truly with our whole hearts; for we have His express promise: “I love them that love Me.”[1] Greater happiness than this mortal cannot experience—to love God, and to be loved by God. It is in this that the bliss and infinite joy of the elect soul in heaven consists; namely, that for all eternity she shall behold God, love God, and be loved by God, as I shall describe on a future occasion. Yesterday we considered the loving words with which Our Lord shall invite the elect to this happiness on the last day. And what is to follow that invitation? Nothing but the ascent of the elect, body and soul, with

  1. Ego diligentes me diligo.—Prov. viii. 17.