Page:The Christian's Last End (Volume 2).djvu/116

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On the Joyful Entry of the Elect into Heaven.

Another introduction to the same sermon for the second Sunday of Advent.


Mortui resurgunt.—Matt. xi. 5.

“The dead rise again.”


The dead rise again? Yes. If that is ever by a miracle the case on earth, they come to life indeed, but it is only to die again.

“The dead rise again.” When this happens to us all on the last day, we shall rise to eternal life or to eternal torments. We have already considered the twofold sentence. “Depart from Me, you cursed,” shall be said to the wicked; “Come, ye blessed of My Father,” shall be the sentence pronounced on the just. The latter is joyful as the former is terrible, as we have seen already. The execution of the former we have taken as the subject of one of our meditations: “And these shall go into everlasting punishment.”[1] “But the just into life everlasting.”[2] This latter we shall now consider. Plan of discourse as above.

  1. Ibunt hi in supplicium æternum.—Matt. xxv. 46.
  2. Justi autem in vitam æternam.—Ibid.