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was in her orchard days and apples meant more than they do now, this story has been still weaving; and so soon as ever the scissors cut one smock in twain another is on the loom." But Nick Leonard said: "Since Tom doth take on him the part of Cato, he shall tell the next story and sit in the Bard's seat; and there let him show his right to draw the thumbnail under our fine phrases and moralities, or else for ever hold his peace." "It is decreed," said I, "squat thee down Master Rubrican; and the Spigot Clerk shall preconise silence after our laudable custom and use." Then Phil Ambrose poured out a glass of wine, sent it down fairly, and sang in a severe and ancient mode—O let not any voice be heard, my lords of Gwent: for by these things the sweet method of laughter is shown to you, and how the ale surges upon the Brim of the whole world.