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(for the head is in fact that admirable aumbry holding inventions, wit, methods, conceits, fantasies; a storehouse of delights) have chosen a Deathshead as an image of the Cwrw Dda, and I believe it to be both suitable (as I have shown) and subtle. For many by this symbol are puzzled, and scratch their heads, and wander into wrong tracks; and all this for our enjoyment; and in short I would have you believe that by it is meant 'The Merriment of the Whole World'". This farrago was received in silence, Dick Leonard only saying mildly, "Master Perrot's wine is very strong; but I believe there is some truth in what the Rubrican says, for though drunk he is a learned man and accustomed to peer into the essence of things. And now I think of it a conceit has come into my brain concerning the morrow, the which I believe will please you all; let us, I say, go to Uske." "Why should we especially go tomorrow?" "Because 'tis tomorrow that the burgesses proceed to the solemn election of a worshipful Portreeve, whom they choose with many admirable rites and significant ceremonies; and all the town is full of gentry, rogues, Egyptians, wits, saltimbancos, zanies, clerks and birds of our feather." "We will certainly go then," said I, "if Phil Ambrose and Tom Bamfylde be well-disposed unto this journey." "We are so," quoth the the Spigot Clerk, "for we are not accustomed to miss these solemnities, insomuch as they furnish us with gay adventures, choice comedies, and a fine stock of tales and pleasant sayings for the winter nights. For a man should be

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