Page:The Church of England, its catholicity and continuity.djvu/81

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The Reformation.

Did the Church break from the past? Causes of Reformation. Papal aggression. State of Morality. Continental Protestantism. Revival of Learning. The Divorce. Religious character of Henry. Acts of Reformation. Supremacy. Destruction of Monasteries. Doctrinal reforms. Bible. Ten Articles. Liturgy. Edward VI. His reforms. Book of Homilies. The Prayer Books. F'orty-two Articles. Controversy on Vestments and Altar. Re-action under Mary. Doctrinal test. Persecution. Elizabeth. The Reformers. Supremacy. Mary's work undone. Episcopal Ordination. Thirty-nine Articles. The Romanists. The benefits of the Reformation. Services in common tongue. Pope's power over the Church of England destroyed. Gift of Prayer Book and Articles of Religion. Continuity of Church of England.

To-night I am going to speak of that change which took place in the Church of England known as the Reformation. The time covered by the events about to be related extends from the twentieth year of the reign of Henry VIII., 1529, to the death of Queen Elizabeth in the year 1603. The object which I have in view to-night is to show what the Reformation really was. As I have already stated, many people assert, and some of them believe, that at the Reformation an entirely new Church was made in England, and that before