Page:The Civil War in America - an address read at the last meeting of the Manchester Union and Emancipation Society.djvu/95

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now specially presented to the Executive Committee for their administration of the affairs of the society.”

Professor Goldwin Smith then delivered an address on the “Civil War in America.”

Moved by Geo. Shaw Lefevre, Esq., M. P., seconded by Dr. Sandwith, C. B. (of Kars):

“That the thanks of this meeting be given to Professor Goldwin Smith for his able and interesting address on the ‘Civil War in America,’ and that he be requested to allow the address to be published.”

Moved by J. H. Estcourt, Esq., seconded by Dr. J. Watts:

“That the following Address to the President be adopted:”—
Address presented to Thomas Bayley Potter, M. P., President of the Union and Emancipation Society of Manchester, at a Special General Council, held on the 22nd January, 1866.

Sir,—The Executive and Members of the Union and Emancipation Society, in General Council assembled, present this expression of their grateful appreciation of the valuable services rendered by you as its President.

“When the friends of Freedom and good government in this country were too generally silent and inactive in regard to the Slaveholders’ Rebellion in the Southern States of America, you boldly allied yourself with the working men in forming this Association, which proclaimed as its