Page:The Civil War in America - an address read at the last meeting of the Manchester Union and Emancipation Society.djvu/97

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Professor J. E. Cairns, A. M., Dublin.
Professor Jno. Nichol, Glasgow.
Professor Goldwin Smith, Oxford.
Professor F. W. Newman, London.
Professor Beesly, London.
Professor J. E. Thorold Rogers, Oxford.
Professor Rolleston, Oxford.
Professor Henry J. Stephen Smith, Oxford.
Professor Fawcett, Cambridge.
Professor Rogers, Glasgow.
Professor N. M’Michael, D. D., Dunfermline.
Hon. and Rev. Baptist W. Noel, London.
Rev. Leslie Stephen, Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge.
Rev. Thomas Guthrie, D. D., Edinburgh.
Rev. Newman Hall, Ll. B., London.
Rev. James W. Massie, D. D., Ll. D., London.
Rev. Henry W. Crosskey, Glasgow.
Rev. Samuel Davidson, Ll. D., London.
Rev. Francis Bishop, Chesterfield.
Rev. J. Parker, D. D., Manchester.
Rev. J. Robberds, B. A., Liverpool.
Rev. Marmaduke Miller, Darlington.
Rev. T. G. Lee, Salford.
Rev. Goodwyn Barmby, Wakefield.
Rev. C. M. Birrell, Liverpool.
Rev. Robert R. Drummond, B. A., Edinburgh.
Rev. Geo. Douglas Macgregor, Farnworth.
Rev. John Guttridge, Ex-President Methodist Free Church.
Rev. Henry Batchelor, Glasgow.
Rev. Henry Solly, London.
Rev. Robert Spears, London.
Rev. Edmond Kell, M. A., F. S. A., Southampton.