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"By George, it's too bad we can't see it all!" exclaimed the officer.

"What does it mean?" urged Phil.

Again the Captain laughed immoderately.

"I've got a blue-blood in there taking the bruin' out of his system. He gave me some impudence. I'm teaching him who's running this country!"

"What are you doing to him?" Phil asked with a sudden suspicion.

"Oh, just having a little fun! I put two big white drunks in there with him—half-fighting drunks, you know—and told them to work on his teeth and manicure his face a little to initiate him into the ranks of the common people, so to speak!"

Again he laughed.

Phil, listening at the keyhole, held up his hand:

"Hush, they're talking——"

He could hear Ben Cameron's voice in the softest drawl: "Say it again."

"Please, Marster!"

"Now both together, and a little louder."

"Please, Marster!" came the united chorus.

"Now what kind of a dog did I say you are?"

"The kind as comes when his marster calls."

"Both together—the under dog seems to have too much cover, like his mouth might be full of cotton."

They repeated it louder.

"A common—stump-tailed—cur-dog?"


"Say it."