Page:The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages.djvu/377

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BIBLIOGRAPHICAL APPENDIX ARRANGED TO CORRESPOND WITH THE CHAPTERS OF THE TEXT CHAPTER n On Neo-platonism ; Zeller, Philosophie der Griechen, 3d. Ed., Vol. 32; Bigg, Neo-platonism (London, 1895). I have discussed the topics referred to in this chapter more fully in the chapters relating to Greece and Rome in Ancient Ideals. CHAPTER m On the decadent social and political condition of the Roman Empire in the fourth and fifth centuries : Hodgkin, Italy and her Invaders (2d Ed., Oxford, 1892- ), especially Vol. II, Book III ; Dill, Roman Society in the last century of the Western Empire, Book III (Loudon, 1898) ; W. A. Brown, State Control of Industry in the Fourth Century, Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 2 (New York, 1887). On the de- based use of Virgil: Comparetti, Virgil in the Middle Ages (2d Ed., Eng. Trans., 1895). On the rhetoric and ora- tory of the period : Boissier, La fin du paganisme (2d Ed., 1894) ; Hatch, Influence of Greek Ideas (Hibl^ert lectures, 1888) ; Martha, Les moralistes sous TEmpire Romain (Paris, 1888) ; A. and M. Croiset, Histolre de la littdrature Grecque, Vol. V (Paris, 1899) ; H. von Arnira, I^ben und Werke des Dio von Prusa (Berlin, 1898) ; Symmachus, Opera ed. Seeck (1883, Men. Germ. Hist Auct. Antiquiss. Vol. 6) ; Sidonius 369