Page:The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages.djvu/383

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APPENDIX 366 pp. 43, et seq., 64, et seq. Alcuin's Versus de patribus, etc., Euboricensis, Migne, Pat. Lat., 101, col. 843, Traube, Poetae Lat. Aevi. Carolini, I, pp. 203-204 (lines 1535-1560) gives a list of pagan and Christian authors in the library at York. On Dante's knowledge of the classics : E. Moore, Scripture and classical authors in Dante (Studies in Dante, First Series, 1896). " The Vulgate is quoted or referred to more than 500 times ; Aristotle more than 300 ; Virgil about 200 ; Ovid about 100; Cicero and Lucan about 50 each; Statins and Boethius between 30 and 40 each ; Horace, Livy, and Orosius between 10 and 20 each," with a few scattered ref- erences to others, ib., p. 4. For Dante the five great poets of antiquity are Homer, Virgil, Horace, Ovid, Lucan (Inferno, IV, 88). In Vulg. Eloq., U, 6, he puts in Statius (in place of Horace) as a model of style. See also Toyn bee's Dante Dictionary ; G. Szombathely, Dante e Ovidio (Trieste, 1888). On the classic authors known to Vincent de Beauvais, the encyclopaedic scholar of the thirteenth century, see L'his- toire litt^raire de la France, Vol. XVIII, p. 482 sqq. Roman law, sources: Corpus Juris Romani Antejustiniani, ed. Haenel (1837) ; Codex Theodosianus, ed. Haenel (1842) ; Jus Civile antejustinianeum, ed. Hugo (1815) ; Corpus Juris Civilis, ed. by Mommsen and Kriiger (1877); Edictum Theodorici, in Pertz's Mon. Germ. Hist. Leges, Vol. V; Breviarium in Haenel, Lex Rom. Visigothorum ; Petri Ex- ceptiones, ed. Savigny, Appendix to Bd. II of his Geschichte; Brachylogus, ed. Bocking ; Summa Perusina, in Heimbach's Anecdota, II (1840). Atuhorities: Savigny, Geschichte des Romischen Rechts im Mittelalter (2d Ed., 7 Vols., 1834-1851) ; Conrat (Cohn), Ges. der Quellen und Literatur des Rom. R. im friiheren Mittelalter (Leipsic, 1801); Flach, Etudes critiques sur rhistoire du droit romaio au moyen age (1890) ; Sohm, Frankisches Recht and Romisches Recht, in Zeitschrift fiir Recbtsgeschichte, Savigny-Stiftung, Bd. I (1880) ; Fitting