Page:The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages.djvu/387

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APPENDIX 369 Histoire de la philosophie scholastique (Paris, 1872-1880) ; Jourdain, R^cherches critique sur P&ge et I'origine des tra- dactions latines d'Aristote (Paris, 1843). Conceptions of love and beauty: Plato, Phaedrus and Sym- posium; Gregory of Nyssa, De virginitate, De Anima et Resurrectione, Migue, Patr. Graec, 46, trans, in Nicene Fathers, 2d Series, Vol. 5 ; Clement of Alexandria, Paeda- gogus, Stromata, Migne, Patr. Graec, 8 and 9, trans. Ante- Nicene Fathers, Vol. II ; Augustine, Confessiones, De pulchro et apto, Civitas dei, De Trinitate ; Lactantius, Divinae In- stitutiones, V, Migne, Pat. Lat, 6, trans, in Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. VII ; TertuUian, De Idolatria, Migne, Pat. Lat., 1, trans. Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. Ill ; Origen, Contra Cel- 8um, IV, Migne, Pat. Graec., 11, trans. Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. IV. CHAPTER VII Modem works relating to early Monasticism: Zdckler, Askese und Monchthuni (Frankfurt, 1897, 2d Ed. 1901), will be found most useful to the student on account of its orderly arrangement and full references to the literature; Monta- lembert, Les Moines d'Occident depuis St. Benoit jusqu'k St. Bernard (1860-1867, Monks of the West, Boston, 1872); J. G. Smith, Christian Monasticism from the Fourth to the Ninth Centuries (London, 1892); A. Harnack, Das Monch- thum, seine Ideale und seine Geschichte (1895, trans, by Gillett, New York, 1895); Wishart, Short History of Monks and Monasteries (Trenton, N. J., 1900) ; E. L. Cutts, Saint Jerome (The Fathers for English Readers); Smith and Wace, Diet, of Christian Biography, articles "Jovinian," " Vigi- lantius " ; De Broglie, L'figlise et I'Empire Remain en I V*"** si^cle (Paris, 1857-1866); Amdiineau, Revue de I'histoire des religions. Vol. 15 (1887), p. 53 et seq.; Weingarten, arti- cle ** Monchthum *' in Prot Real Encyc, X; Delehaye, Les 2b