Page:The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages.djvu/389

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APPENDIX 871 stenius, Codex Regularum, I. See also on Basil, De Broglie, L'figlise et I'Empire, Vol. V, p. 167; Paul Allard, Saint Basile avant son episcopat, Rev. dea questions historiques, Vol. 64 (1898), pp. 5-52. On early Western Monasticism {besides general works referred to above) : Cassianus, De Institutis Coenobiorum et Conloca- tiones, ed. Petscheuig, Vols. XIII and XVII of Vienna Cor- pus Scrip. Ecc. Lat., also trans, in Vol. XI of Nicene Fathers, 2d Series; Sulpicius Severus, Vita S. Martini, Epistolae, Dialogi, Migne, Patr. Lat., 20, trans. Nicene Fathers, Second Series, XI; Augustine, Epistola 211; Jerome, Epistolae, Migne, Pat. Lat., 22, trans. Nicene Fathers, Second Series, VI ; Regula of Caesarius of Aries, Holstenius, Codex Regu- larum, I; Regula of Columbanus, Migne, Patr. Lat., 80; Benedicti, Regula Monachorum, printed with commentaries in Migne, Patr. Lat., 66, critical edition by Woelfflin (Teub- ner, 1895) ; Woelfflin, Benedikt von Nursia und seine Monch- regel, Sitz. Berichte der Bayer. Akad., Philol.-Philos. Classe, 1895; Griitzmacher, Bedeutung Benedikts v. Nursia (1892); S. Gregorius Magnus, Dialogi, Epistola I, Pastoralis Regulae Liber, Migne, Pat Lat., 77. CHAPTER Vm Christian Greek and Latin diction : H. A. A. Kennedy, Sources of New Testament Greek (Edinburgh 1895) ; Winer, Gram- matik dea Neutestamentlichen Sprachidioms (8th Ed. by Schmiedel, Gottingen, 1894); E. L. Hicks, St. Paul and Hellenism, Studia Biblia et Ecclesiastica, IV (Oxford, 1896) ; Norden, Die antike Kunstprosa (1898) ; E. A. Freeman, some i)oints in the later History of the Greek language, Journal of Hellenic Studies, 3, pp. 361-392 (1882); Rdnsch, Itala und Vulgata (1875) ; F. T. Cooper, Word formation in the Roman Sermo Plebeius (1895); Monceaux, Le Latin Vulgaire, Rev. de deux mondes, July 15, 1891 ; t6., Les Afri-