Page:The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages.djvu/398

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880 APPENDIX raained a favorite with the learned poets of the Middle Ages. Ennodius : Ebert, I, pp. 432-443. Dracontii Carmina minora, ed. Duhn (Teubner, 1873), also in Migne, Patr. Lat., 60; Av^us, opera ed. Peiper, Vol. VI, Monumenta Germanica. Fortunatus: an important poet: Venanti Fortunati Opera, ed. Leo and Krusch (Mon. Germ. Auct. Antiquiss., IV). For the Carlovingian Age the most important collection of poetry is that of Diimmler and Traube, Poetae Latini Medii Aevi, Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, I-IV (Mon. Germ., 1880-). An interesting collection of mediaeval Latin poetry is E. Du MeriPs Poesies populaires Latines ant^rieures au 12* si^cle (Paris, 1843). See also Mai, Auctores Classici (1823-1838). Waltarius, ed. Scheffel and Holder (Stuttgart, 1874), also in Du Meril, Poesies Latines, etc., I, pp. 313- 377 ; F. Seller, Ruodlieb, der alteste Roman des Mittelalters (Halle, 1882). On Hrotsviiha and the break between the antique and the medicBval drama : Ebert, Allge. Ges., Ill, p. 314 sqq. ; Boissier, Les tragedies de Seneque out elles ete representees (Paris, 1861) ; Pichon, Histoire de la Littera- ture Latine (Paris, 1898) ; Teuffel-Schwabe, Geschichte der Romischen Literatur; Petit de Julleville, Histoire de la lanque et de la littdrature fran9aise. Vol. II, pp. 399-445 (1896) ; ib.y Les Myst^res (1880) ; Lanson, Histoire de la lit- t^rature fran9aise, pp. 124-216 (Paris, 1898) ; Froning, Das Drama des Mittelalters (Deut. Nat. Lit.) ; Scherer, Hist, of German Lit., I, pp. 238-245 (English Translation, New York, 1886) ; Toynbee, Dante's Obligations to the Magnae Derivationes of Uguccione da Pisa, Romania, XXVI (1897) ; Spingarn, Literary Criticism in the Renaissance (New York, 1899). ^ Carmina Burana: Lateinische und Deutsche Gedichte einer Handschrift des XIII Jahrhunderts, ed. by Schmeller (Stuttgart, 1847, reprinted Breslau, 1883) ; Carmina Burana Selecta, ed., with bibliography, by von Barnstein (Wiirz- burg, 1879) ; The Latin poems commonly attributed to Wal-