Page:The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages.djvu/400

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382 APPENDIX Also, Ebert, Allge. Ges., I, under Aldhelm and Bonifatius. The Aenigmata of Aldhelm are printed in Migne, Pat. Lat., Vol. 89, col. 185 et seq. ; also in Wright's Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets, Vol. II, Appendix II (Vol. 59, Master of Rolls publi- cations). See Vol. I of that work, Introd., pp. xii-xv, for the relations of Anglo-Saxon writers to Symposius ; and on the Anglo-Saxon riddles attributed to Cynewulf, see Morley, English Writers, Vol. 2, pp. 217-226 (2d Ed., 1887). CHAPTER X Evolution of church architecture: Choisy, Histoire de I'architecture (1899) ; Dehio and Bezold, Die kirchliche Baukunst des Abendlandes (1892) ; V. Schultze, Altchrist- liche Archaologie (1895) ; F. X. Kraus, Geschichte der christlichen Kunst (Freiburg in Breisgau, 1895-) ; Bald- win Brown, From Schola to Cathedral (1886) ; Lange, Haus und Halle (1885); Schnaase, Geschichte der bildenden Kunste, 2d Ed. ; Hittorff, Architecture moderne de la Sicile (1835) ; Otte, Geschichte der Romanischen Baukunst (1874) ; R. Rosiferes, L'flvolution de I'architecture en France (Petite bib. d'art, etc.) ; Didron, Iconographie chretienne (1843) ; C. H. Moore, Development and Character of Gothic Archi- tecture (2d Ed., Macmillan, 1899). Antique Christian painting and sculpture ; interpretation of biblical scenes: Schultze, Archiiologie, pp. 180-185; Kraus, Geschichte, etc., p. 65 et seq.; Hennecke, Altchristliche Malerei (1896) ; Hasenclever, Altchristliche Graberschmuck (1886); Garrucci, Storia della Arte Cristiana (Prato, 1873- 1881); De Rossi, La Roma Sotterranea Cristiana (1864- 1877) ; Miintz, fitudes sur la peinture et de I'iconographie chrdtiennes (1886) ; Le Blant, Sarcophages chretiennes de la Gaule (1886) ; i&., Sarcophages chretiennes de la Ville d' Aries (1878); ih., in Revue Archeologique, 1875, 1876; Ficker, Die altchristlichen Bildwerke im Christlichen Mu-