Page:The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages.djvu/411

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INDEX 393 ••Candidas" (Brun), 296 note. Canon law, 9, 61 sqq., 366. Capella, see Martianus Capella. Carmen apologeticwn, of Com- modianus, 276. Carolingian art, 350-352, 386-387. Carolingian revival, 282, 286, 288. 296 note, 298, 309, 380. Cassian, 160 sqq., 173 note, 371. Cassiodorus, 45, 177, 362. Catacombs, paintings in, 317 sqq., 328-329. Cathemerinon, the, of Pruden- tius, 269. Cato, 364. Catullus, 244. Cavallini, 332 note, 348 note. Cecilia in Trastevere, S., 339 note. Celestial Hierarchy, the, of Dio- nysius the Areopagite, 82 sqq., 93. Celibacy, see Monasticism, Mar- riage. Celtic art, 352, 355. Centaurs, in art, 353, 388. Cento Virgilianus, 378. Cephalii, 346 note, 385. Ceremonialism in Byzantine art. •338. Chan»<m de geste, 39. Chanson de Roland, 301. Charlemagne, 39 ; «ee Carolingian. Charlemagne, legend in art, 366, 388. Christ, the, of Cynewulf, 300. Christian attitude toward art, 316-:n7. Christian elegies, 273-275. Christian emotion, difflcnlty of expressing in classic metres, 235 sqq., 244 sqq. Christianity, effect of. on German language,29# ; on Roman law ,63. Christianlzation of prose style, 196 «99., 371, 372. Chrysostom, St., 2^. Cicero, 364; letters, 209; de ojffl- ciis, 74 sqq. Cid, the, 300. Cimabue, 348. Civitas Dei, 133, 136 note, 152, 217-219. Cividale, baptistry, 346. Classics, the, in the Middle Ages, 38, 44 sqq., 363. Classic diction, mediaeval imita- tion of, 233. Classical phrase and reminiscence in the Middle Ages, 292-297. Claudianus, 280, 293. Claudius Marina Victor, 281, 287, 378. Clement of Alexandria, 12, 47, 101, no sqq., 124, 132,140, 144; hymn of, 25^-255. Clement of Rome, epistle, 207. Codes of Roman and barbaric law, 57 sqq. Columbanns, 45, 165, 298, 371. Commodianos, 276, 279 note, 292, 377. Commonitorium fidelihus, 379. Concordia (personification) , 279. Consolatione philosophiae, de, 50 sqq., 363. Constantine, revival of art in time of, 305, 324 sqq. Constantinople, 325, 333, 336-337, 340, ,'H5. Corinthian architecture, 902-303. Cosmo and Damiano, 8., 339 note. Costanza, S., 333. Cross, feeling for, 253, 296. Cupid and Psyche in Catacombs, 318 note. Cynewulf, 299, 300. Cyprian, St.. 144, 372 ; letters, 209, 210. 216. Cyril of Jerusalem, 96, 96, 330.