Page:The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages.djvu/413

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INDEX 395 German translations of Scrip- ture, 29{ 300. Germanus, St. {Vita), 287 note, 288. Germany, Roman law in, 68. Giotto, 332 note, 348, 356, 367. Glanville, 68. Gnosticism, duali.stic, 140. Gnostics, 223, 225, 228 note. Goliardic poems, 285 note, 296 note, 380. Good Shepherd, in art, 318, 319, 323 note, 324, 328, 337 note. Gospels, poetic paraphrases of, 264, 269, 280-281, 299; subjects from, in art, 319 sqq., 326 sqq., 333 note, 337. Gospels, apocryphal, 224 sqq. Gothic architecture, 302, 311 sqq.; sculpture, 312, 356-357 ; cathe- drals, arrangement of sculp- tures, 389. Greek architecture compared with Gothic, 313-^16. Greek character, 18 sqq. Greek Christian poetry, 247 sqq. Greek influences in early monas- ticl8m,138«99.; upon Rome, 22. Greek language, knowledge of. in the West, 13, 44, 347 note, 361. Greek poetry, 235 sqq. Greek romances, 41 sqq., 361. Greek writings, translations, 13. Gregorian chants, 263 note. Gregory Nazianzen, 224 ; hjrmns, 2S6. 257, 2Se. Gregory of Nyssa, conception of beaaty, 125-128, 132, 330. Gregory of Tonrt, 231 note, 297. Gregory the Great, 3, 12 note, 104, 105 note, 166, 158, 16G, 231 note, 233 note, 296; character, 196 sqq. Hadrian, 30*. Haeresis (personification), 279. Hamartigenia, the, of Prnden- tius, 277, 278. Hebraic conception of righteous- ness, 117. Heiricus, 287 note, 288. Ileliand, the, 288, 300, 381. Heliodorus, 41. Heretics, writings against, 223. Hermes, hymn to, 290. Hermits, 136 note, 156 note ; see Monasticism. Hexaemeron, the, of Dracontius, 282, 287. Hexameter metre, 236, 237, 242 sqq., 251, 275-278, 280-281, 285, 287-289. Hibemicus Exul, 296 note. Hieronymus, see Jerome. Hilary of Poictiers, 14, 263, 264, 377. Hildesheim, 354. Hildebrandslied, 30L Hirmos, 260. Hispericafamina, 298. Uistoria Evangelica, of Juven- cus, 280, 287. Historia Francorum.ISi note.297. Homeric emotion, 237, 243. Homilies, 224. Honestas (personification), 278. Horace, 29, 244, 292, 3(>4. HroUvith, 289-291, 380. Hnmilis Mens (personification), 278. Humility, the virtue of, 170-172. Hjrmns, early Greek Christian, 248 sqq,; early Latin, 268 sqq.; madlATal Latin, 334, 346, 347, 386,306. HypatU, 78, 83. Iambic metres, 340, 341, 366 tqq^ 270. 272. 286, 385. lamblichos, 88.