Page:The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages.djvu/415

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INDEX 397 Martin of Toon, St., 12 note, 288 note. Martyrdom, early mosaic of, 323 note, 337 note. Marty rologium, of Wandalbert, 286 note. Martyrs, poems on, 248, 270-272, 275. Mediaeval art, organic growth of, 355 sqq. ; the antique in, 348 sqq., 387. Mediae val Latin literatare,231 «99. Mediae ral Latin poetry, 284 sqq. MedifiBval plays, 291 note. Methodius, Sympo*i Mm, 255-256. Metres, classic, 235 sqq., 284 sqq. Milton, 283. Miniatures, 352, 355, 383. Minucius Felix, 12, 203, 215, 221 note, 372. Miracles, 106, 191, 197, 217, 223, 229, 231 note, 281,322. Monastic type of character, the, 178 8qq. Monasticism, an influence in transforming scriptural narra- tive, 11 ; efifecton Roman law, 63 ; origins, and eastern monas- ticism, 136 sqq., 369; in the west, 155 sqq., 370. Monks, the, as preMnrers of the classics, 45-47. Monreale, 346 note, 386. Monte Cassino, Benedictine mon- astery, 164 note, 166 note, 347. Mosaics, Christian, ZXsqq.^ 336 •qq., 383, 388. Moschos, 42. Music, early Christian. 263 not«, 366 note, 377. Mysteries, pagan and Christian, 89sf9., 368. Narratire Latin Christian poems, 264, 276, 280 $qq., 286 tqq. Natalitia of Paulinns, 275. Neo-Platonism, 10, 16, 30, 71, 122, 125, 135 note, 139, 153, 183 note, 191, 359, 367; in Synesius' writings, 78 sqq. ; in the Celts' tial Hierarchy of pseudo-Dio- nysins, 82 sqq. Nereo ed Achilleo, SS. 339 note. New Testament writings, style of, 199 sqq. Nibelungenlied, 301. Nicene formulation of dogma, 120, 121. Nicodemus, gospel of^ 228, 230 note. Nilus, St., 162. Normans, 346. Notker, 362. Nxtptiis PhilologioB et Mercurii, de, 49 sqq.t 362. Obedience, a monastic virtne, 149, 150, 1G7, 1G9. Oddonis I. imperatoris gesta, poem by Hrotsvith, 289. Odo, 289. Odyssey, the, 42, 237. Old Testament, ethical spirit of, 72, 117, 119; allegorical inter- pretation of, 98 sqq., 319 sqq.; source of Christian poetry. 247 sqq., 2M, 269, 282-284 ; subjects from, in art, 319 sqq., 326 sqq., 333 note. :i38. Operatio (charity) , 279. Origen, 12, 47, 101-103, 110 sqq., 140, 144, 214. Orientius, 378, 379. Orosins, 219«97.,373. Orpheus, in cataoombs, 318 note. Ot fried, 300. Otranto, Terra, 346. Ottos, Oerman, time of, 288. Grid. 861.