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appreciable proportion to the need. In London, where there are many thousands of publichouses, the few existing Coffee Publichouses should be multiplied by hundreds in order fully to meet the wants of the people, and in other great towns the need is proportionably great, while every village throughout the country should have its Coffee Publichouse on a larger or smaller scale.


With a view to the extension of this movement, a conference was held at Grosvenor House on the 21st of June 1877, by the kind invitation of the Duke of Westminster. There was a numerous attendance, and the papers read showed that Coffee Publichouses, when opened in suitable districts and conducted on sound principles, were largely used by working people and proved financially successful.

The result of the conference was the formation of the Coffee Publichouse Association, the object of which is 'to promote the establishment, on self-supporting principles, of publichouses without the sale of intoxicating drinks.' This it is now doing (1) by drawing public attention to the subject, (2) by the collection and diffusion of detailed information, and (3) by the formation of a fund to be applied to the establishment and improvement of Coffee Publichouses, either by making loans upon security at moderate rates of interest, by grants, or by other methods.

In pursuance of this object the Committee will be glad to hear from persons desirous of promoting the establishment of Coffee Publichouses in any part of the country. Any information they may desire beyond that contained in the following pages, will be promptly furnished by letter, and, if preferred, arrangements may be made to attend meetings or inspect premises, and to advise on the spot as to situation, internal arrangements, and other matters. As soon as the fact becomes generally recognised that Coffee Publichouses,