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A third plan which may be adopted either where sufficient funds cannot otherwise he obtained, or where it is proposed to open more than one house in the same town or neighbourhood, is to form a Company with limited liability.

Each of these methods of working has advantages of its own. A Company, if successful, may readily extend its operations, and will not lack funds for the purpose; and it affords an opportunity of aiding this movement to many persons who would be unable or unwilling to contribute money to a purely charitable undertaking.

A Committee, on the other hand, administering funds contributed by themselves or others, necessarily enjoy greater freedom of action than a Company. They may vary their operations in any direction they may deem advisable, or may increase the conveniences and attractions of the house, without too closely calculating the amount of profit to be realised. Within certain limits, however, the most liberal arrangements will be found to yield, in the long run, the best financial results, whether under the direction of Limited Companies or Local Committees.


The premises should be situated in the midst of a working class population, in a good thoroughfare, and, if possible, in the most bustling part of the thoroughfare; all the better if a street market is held there weekly. In the selection of a house it is advisable to notice—1. The amount of traffic passing through the street. 2. The side of the street favoured by passengers and containing the most important shops. 3. The prominence or otherwise of the position. It is advisable also to note the character of the adjoining premises, whether they are such as could be conveniently added to the Coffee Publichouse in case of need. If it is proposed to carry on mission work it is better that this should be done in adjoining premises, rather than in the Coffee Publichouse itself.