Page:The Collected Works of Theodore Parker Slavery volume 5 .djvu/236

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of the church who went to heaven. Repeat some noble word you spoke on earth!

Hear their reply:—

"Oppression shall not always reign:
There comes a brighter day,
"When Freedom, burst from every chain,
Shall have triumphant way.
Then Right shall over Might prevail,
And Truth, like hero armed in mail,
The hosts of tyrant Wrong assail,
And hold eternal sway.

What voice shall bid the progress stay
Of Truth's victorious car?—
What arm arrest the growing day,
Or quench the solar star?
What reckless soul, though stout and strong,
Shall dare bring back the ancient wrong,—
Oppression's guilty night prolong.
And Freedom's morning bar?

The hour of triumph comes apace,—
The fated, promised hour,
When earth upon a ransomed race
Her bounteous gifts shall shower.
Ring, Liberty, thy glorious bell!
Bid high thy sacred banners swell!
Let trump on trump the triumph tell
Of Heaven's redeeming power!"[1]

  1. These are the words of Henry Ware, jun., the last minister, eminent for
    religion, who had died in Boston.