Page:The Collected Works of Theodore Parker Slavery volume 5 .djvu/256

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Nay, what else are these venerable days, called Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, and the Catholic saints' days throughout the Christian year?

There is one thing which this Bible teaches in almost every page, and that is reverence for the higher law of God. The greatest men who wrote here were only men; to err is human, we all learn by experiment, and they were mistaken in many things; but all teach this, from the littlest to the greatest, from Genesis to Revelation,—Religion Before all other things, reverence for god above all! It was that for which Jesus bowed his head on the cross, and "sat down at the right hand of God."

There is an Infinite God! You and I owe allegiance to Him, and our service of Him is the keeping of every law

which he made;—keeping it faithfully, earnestly, honestly. That is Religion, and to those who do it, on every thundering cloud which passes over their heads. He will cast his rainbow, girdling it with sevenfold magnificence and beauty, and on that cloud take them to His own kingdom of heaven, to be with Him for ever and for ever.