Page:The Collected Works of Theodore Parker volume 3.djvu/216

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new organized in mortal men, unarmed and armed the most—who tyrannized over tyrants, and ruled the world by hope and fear, with tragic witchery of thought.

But that Teutonic giant who smote the Roman state, and doubly smote Mohammed's power, has also broke the Latin church. For three hundred years no great and world-compelling thinker is her son. Now she is a widow. No other church assumes her ancient and imperial rank. The printing press has slain the Pope. Since Luther spoiled the ecclesiastic charm,—still more, since the American and French Eevolution wrenched in twain so many a yoke, the Christian church has ceased to lead the religious feelings and philosophic thoughts of men, which whoso rules, holding the heart and head of Christendom, perforce controls the civilization of mankind, and guides the column, and directs the march. The more than apostolic piety, which evangelizes its beatitudes of philanthropy to suffering mankind; the orphic intellect which far outgoes the mediaeval mind, and thinks into being railroads, factories, steam-ships, electric telegraphs, and crystal palaces of mechanic art, or builds up vast commonwealths of men—this is not "divine," or of theologic thought, but natural "carnal reason," " rebellious and profane"—the Christian religion, no doubt, but not Christian theology at all.

The Ecclesiastical Institutions of Christendom are now to enlightened Europe and America what the Hebrew theology was to the thoughtful Israelites, when "all Jerusalem went out" to John the Baptist; yea, what the classic mythology was in Borne and Athens when Paul of Tarsus set thitherward his manly feet. Now, as then, the more enlightened soothsayers dare not in public look each other in the face, lest the spontaneous laugh betray the

calculated cheat; now, as then, the Ecclesiastical Institution builds tombs to old prophets, while it stones the new; sustains man-stealing, passes fugitive slave bills, whitens its neckcloth, devours widows' houses, and for a pretence makes long prayers. Now, the Sadducee has "renounced the world," and joined the Pharisaic church! Why not? It costs him nought; it is a church of theology, and its "religion has nothing to do with politics;" nothing with trade; nothing with life.