Page:The Collected Works of Theodore Parker volume 3.djvu/282

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miraculous and exceptional, but normal and instantial; just so far as man uses his natural faculties in their natural way, the Divine power of the universe flows into him and acts by him, as vegetative force into these handsome plants. Faithful use of the faculties is the human condition of this Divine inspiration, and truth, beauty, justice, love, integrity, these are its tests. I know there are moments of ecstacy, which are to common hours what genius is to ordinary men, what spring is to the year, and in this precious flower-time of spiritual action much is done, nor would I ever neglect these handsome opportunities; I would take every flower which was offered to me then, but with cool, calm reason, in my soberest moments would examine it, and learn its value.

Now if a man tries this philosophical method, he will come to a true theology, which shall be to the actual facts of God's nature, man's nature, and the relation between them, what astronomy is to the facts of the solar system. The science of theology will then be based on facts of observation and of consciousness ; not on mere words, which represented the dream of some deluded man, but on the facts of the universe, writ in matter without us and mind within. Then theology will be a progressive science, enlarging its scope of comprehension. Mere belief will pass into certain knowledge. Prom theology, as from astronomy, chemistry, medicine, miracles will disappear, and law take their place—the constant mode of operation of the natural powers which God gave to matter and to spirit. Those seven odious dogmas which I have just named will pass off. So the spectres of the night, made of tormenting dreams which disturbed the little girl who read stories of hobgoblins before she slept, are all gone when she opens her eyes, looks out of the window, and sees the apple trees unfold their fragrant, roseate beauty to some May mornings rising run! The idea of a capricious, changeable, and wrathful God, damning men by the hundred million, paving his wide hell with the skulls of babies not a span long, their parents racked above that fiery floor—all that will vanish, and instead thereof shall your soul be gladdened by the; perpetual presence of the Infinite Power, Wisdom, Justice, and Love, the Perfect God of the universe, who is present in all matter, in all spirit, acting everywhere by law, Per-