Page:The Collected Works of Theodore Parker volume 3.djvu/291

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This document was handed to Mr Parker in his pulpit on the morning of Sunday, March 7, 1858. It comes from a responsible man:—

"The writer attended a prayer-meeting, yesterday, p. H. [March 6,] at Park-street church. There were about forty men present [being about the same number that once conspired to destroy Paul]. The sole object of the meeting, as we learned after going in, was to pray for the conversion of the notorious infidel, Theodore Parker. The following are some of the forms of prayer employed:—

"’O Lord, if this man (Parker) it a subject of grace, convert him and bring him into the kingdom of thy dear Son; but if he is beyond the reach of the saving influence of the gospel, remove him out of the way, and let his influence die with him! '

"’O Lord, send confusion and distraction into his study this afternoon, and prevent his finishing his preparation for his labours to-morrow, or if he shall attempt to desecrate thy holy day by attempting to speak to the people, meet him there, Lord, and confound him so that he shall not be able to speak!'

""One prayed thus:—

"'O Lord; we know that we cannot argue him down, and the more we say against him the more will the people flock after him, and the more will they love and revere him. Lord, what shall be done for Boston, if thou dost not take this and some other matters in hand!'

Another prayed thus:—

"O Lord, if this man will still persist in speaking in public, induce the people to leave him and come and fill this house instead of that.’

"One exhorted his brethren to pray that 'God will put a hook in this man's jaws, so that he may not be able to speak.’

"One prayed thus:—

"'O Lord, meet this infidel on his way, who, like another Saul of Tarsus, is persecuting the church of God, and cause a light to shine around him, which shall bring him trembling to the earth, and make him an able defender of the faith which he has so long laboured to destroy.’

"One requested his brethren, whether in their places of business, or walking in the streets, or wherever they might be, to pray far Mr Parker every day when the clock should strike one.

"P.S. — In the meeting above referred to, prayers were offered for no other person besides Theodore Parker.

"Sunday, March 7th."