Page:The Columbia river , or, Scenes and adventures during a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown (Volume 1).djvu/24

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  • coon sloop of war—Offer of Chinooks to cut off the British—A

party attacked; Mr. Stewart wounded; two Indians
killed—Arrival of Mr. Hunt—Shipwreck of the Lark—Massacre
of Mr. Read and eight of his men—Extraordinary
escape of Dorrien's widow and children 237


Arrival of the Isaac Tod—Miss Jane Barnes, a white woman—Murder
of one of our men by Indians—Trial and execution
of the murderers—Death of Mr. Donald M'Tavish
and five men 258


Sketch of the Indians about the mouth of the Columbia—Process
of flattening the head—Thievish disposition—Treatment
of their slaves—Suggestions to the missionary societies—Dreadful
ravages of the small-pox—Jack Ramsay—Their
ideas of religion—Curious superstition—Marriage
ceremonies—Anecdote—Aversion to ardent spirits—Government—War—Arms
and Armour—Canoes and houses—System
of cooking—Utensils—Gambling—Haiqua—Quack
doctors—Mode of burial 274


Voyage to the interior—Party attacked, and one man killed—Arrive
at Spokan House—Joy of the Indians at our return—The
chief's speech—Sketch of Mr. M'Donald—Duel prevented
between him and a chief—Kettle Indians, their surprise
at seeing white men—Curious account of an hermaphrodite
chief—Death of Jacques Hoole 306