Page:The Columbia river , or, Scenes and adventures during a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown (Volume 1).djvu/43

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from it; each momentarily expecting to come in contact with

His jaws horrific, arm'd with threefold fate,

when their fears were dissipated by announcing to them the welcome intelligence of his caption. On dissecting him, the entire entrails of the hog which had been killed in the morning were found in his belly! so that he must have been alongside during the whole of the forenoon, and was doubtless intimidated by the number of the swimmers, from attacking any of them individually.

On the 4th of March we crossed the Equator, for the second time this voyage, with a brisk south-easterly breeze; and on the 25th, at daybreak, we made the island of Owhyee, the largest in the group of the Sandwich Islands. It was the captain's original intention to stop at this place for his supplies; hut on approaching Karakakooa bay we were informed by some natives, who came off in canoes, that Tamaahmaah, the king, then resided in Whoahoo. As we were anxious, for several reasons, to have an interview with his majesty, the captain relinquished the idea of stopping here, and stood about for the latter island.

As we sailed along Owhyee, with a fine east-