Page:The Columbia river , or, Scenes and adventures during a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown (Volume 1).djvu/45

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Whoahoo—Visit from a chief—Nocturnal excursion—King and queens—Invasion of the ship—White men—Gardens—Foot race, and summary justice—Throwing the spear—Royal residence, and body guard—Mourning for a chief's wife—Billy Pitt, George Washington, &c.

On Thursday the 26th of March, at noon, we came to anchor outside of the bar in Whytetee bay, about two miles from shore, and nearly abreast of a village from which the bay is named.

A short time after anchoring we were visited by an eree or chief, named Tiama, in a double canoe, who was sent by the king to learn from whence the ship came, whither bound, &c. After obtaining the necessary information, and taking a glass of wine, he returned, and was accompanied by the captain, who went on shore in order to acquaint his majesty with the particular object he had in touching here. Tiama informed us that a taboo[1] was then in force, which accounted for our not being visited by any of the natives. At ten o'clock the captain came back with Tiama. He had met with a favourable re-*

  1. See Cook, Vancouver, &c.