Page:The Columbia river , or, Scenes and adventures during a residence of six years on the western side of the Rocky Mountains among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown (Volume 1).djvu/53

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Goldsmith distinguishes the beauties of Cashmere. Their conduct is under strict surveillance. Mr. Hairbottle informed us, that a few days previous to our arrival an intrigue had been discovered between the favourite queen and one of the king's body guard. As their guilt admitted of no doubt, the unfortunate paramour was strangled on the same night; but as Tamaahmaah still cherished a lingering affection for his frail favourite, he pardoned her, with the short but pithy expression, "If you do it again——."

During the afternoon the king employed himself in taking the dimensions of the ship, examining the cabins, state-rooms, &c. Scarcely an object escaped the royal scrutiny: observing Mr. Seton writing, he approached him, and began to examine the various little nic-nacs with which the desk was furnished. Seton showed him a handsome penknife of curious workmanship, containing a number of blades, not with an intention of bestowing it: with this he appeared particularly pleased, and putting it into one of the pockets of his capacious vest, said, "Mytye, nue nue mytie," (good, very good,) and walked away. It was in vain for Seton to expostulate; his majesty did not understand English, and all