Page:The Coming Colony Mennell 1892.djvu/172

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"The deposit on each lot shall be £2, and balance of the purchase money shall be paid to the Company within thirty days after notice to the purchaser that the Company is ready to complete the sale, or within such extended time as the company may, by writing, allow. No survey fees will be charged in respect of town lands.

"The suburban lots near the town-sites will be sold subject to the special con­ditions:—That no building shall be erected thereon between the street and building frontage lines, as shown in such plans, without the consent, in writing, of the Company; and that, except with the like consent, no building 8hall be erected on any such lot of less annual value than £30, and that the land shall not, nor shall any building erected thereon, be used for the sale of spirituous or fermented liquors, or for carrying on any noisy or offensive trade or business.


"Rural lands are offered for sale by free selection by immediate or outright purchase, or by conditional purchase on deferred annual payments.

"Within one month after completion of the survey of the land applied for the applicant shall pay the Company one- half the cost of such survey, at the ruling Government rate.


"The deposit on each application shall be 20 per centum of the purchase money, and the balance of such purchase money shall be paid to the Company within thirty days after notice to the purchaser that the Company is ready to complete the sale, or within such extended time as the Company may, by writing, allow.

"The following discounts will be allowed, namely:—Where the purchase amounts to £50 and less than £100, 7½ per cent.; where it amounts to £ 100 or more, 15 per cent.

"If the purchase money do not exceed £50 the same shall be paid by not more than ten, and if it exceed that amount, by not more than twenty annual instal­ments (as may be agreed). The said instalments shall be of equal amounts, and the first instalment shall be paid as a deposit with the application.

"If the application shall be made between the 1st of March and the 1st of September, the term of the licence to occupy hereinafter mentioned shall com­mence on the 1st of March preceding; if made between the 1st of September and the 1st of March, on the 1st of September preceding, and the subsequent instal­ments shall be payable in advance on the 1st of March or 1st of September (as the case may require) in every year.

"Upon approval of his application, the Company will grant the applicant a licence to occupy for such term of years as the case may require, commencing as aforesaid, and subject to survey and to the condition s in these regulations appli­cable thereto.

"If any purchaser shall in any year fail at the time prescribed to pay the instalment due by him as aforesaid, he shall absolutely forfeit all right to the land in respect of which the said instalment is due, unless within 30 days after such instalment is due it shall be paid, together with an additional sum equal to £5 per cent. on the said instalment; or within 60 days with £10 per centum; or within 120 days with £20 per centum added thereto.