Page:The Coming Race, etc - 1888.djvu/343

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mine in the ante-room Zicci offered me his own I seized it eagerly. There might be some six or eight persons engaged in a strange and confused kind of mêllé, but the Prince and myself only sought each other. The noise around us—the confusion of the guests—the cries of the musicians—the clash of our own swords, only served to stimulate our unhappy fury. We feared to be interrupted by the attendants, and fought like madmen, without skill or method. I thrust and parried mechanically, blind and frantic as if a demon had entered into me, till I saw the Prince stretched at my feet, bathed in his blood, and Zicci bending over him and whispering in his ear. The sight cooled us all—the strife ceased. We gathered in shame, remorse, and horror round our ill-fated host; but it was too late—his eyes rolled fearfully in his head, and still he struggled to release himself from Zicci's arms, who continued to whisper (I trust divine comfort) in his ear. I have seen men die, but never one who wore such horror on his countenance. At last all was over; Zicci rose from the corpse, and taking, with great composure, his sword from my hand,—'Ye are witnesses, gentlemen,' said he, calmly, 'that the Prince brought his fate upon himself. The last of that illustrious house has perished in a brawl.'

"I saw no more of Zicci—I hastened to the French ambassador to narrate the event, and abide the issue. I am grateful to the Neapolitan government, and to the illustrious heir of the unfortunate nobleman, for the lenient and generous, yet just, interpretation put upon a misfortune the memory of which will afflict me to the last hour of my life."

(Signed) "Louis Victor, Due De R."

In the above memorial, the reader will find the most exact and minute account yet given of an event which created the most lively sensation at Naples in that day, and the narration of which first induced me to collect the materials of this history—which the reader will perceive, as it advances, is altogether different in its nature, its agencies, and its aims, from those tales of external terror, whether derived from ingenious imposture or supernatural mystery, that have given life to French melodrama or German romance.