Page:The Complaint, or Night Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality, Edward Young, (1755).djvu/326

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BOOKS printed for and fold by A. Mittar.

"TD vimcen. of Mr. Thomjon, In 4g vols. Svo» wi

1, Ditto, Four aes Twelves. abet yas} > are vide ee Some: Poems never before printed. AU, T sige ina. Twelves Edition, "and moft of

IV. An aaa of the fine Bot 1s Gadiies Size, a on a fine Wririn ena

V. The Works of Mr. Mallet, confifting of Plays and Poems.

Vi. 'The Life of Francis Bacon, Baron of viene Vifcount. Ss, Alban, and Lord High Chancellor of £ Ress In Work, befides an accurate Review of

cen Elizabeth and Ki ing Janay i I. the Chaety of the mof eminent Perfons that flourithed under both thofe Princes, ate occafionally drawn. By Mr. Mallet.

VIL. Matho: Or, The Cofmotheoria Puerilis. A os logue. In which the firlt Principles of reer ie Aitronomy are Reema 'to the er of young Perfons;. af fee yet no Tinéure ences. Hence ee Ponies of Racaral Raigen ses deduced. In z vols. The Second Edition. is added, an Index.

VIII. An Ingqsiry into the Nature of the Human Soul;

herein - Immateriality of the Sou! is from ae Principles of Reafon and Sear ncae Tn aaa The Third Edition, comeeied: By the To which is added, an Index.

N.B. The 3d Vol, being the Appendix, may be had Epuste, to complete the of thofe Gentlemen who

bought the 2 firft Vols.

"He who would fee the jufteft seeeet oe ee Notions

"" of God and the this Book; one " of the moft fied of. "the kind, = humble