Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/106

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96 WRNTWORTH. WENTWORTH, and WENTWORTH OF WELLESBOROUGH. Barony. 1, Sib Thomas Wkntwobth, of Nettlestead, oo. Suffolk, I. 1529 ^*^ *' ^^^ ^' ^' ^* Robert WBifTWORTB,(*) of the aame, by Anne, da. of Sir James Ttrbii.l,(^) of Qipping, in <hat couuty, wae 6. 1501 ; ■erred in the expedition egainet Krence^ 1528« being knigkud there at the aarrender of Roye, 31 Oct 1523, by the Duke of Suffolk ; eua hia father, 17 Oct. 1528, and wae eum. to Pari, as a Baron (liORD WKNTWOKTH) by wriU from 2 Deo. (1529) 21 Hen. VIII. to 4 Nov. (1518) 2 Kd. VI. He, in 1530, was one of the 83 eigoatoriee to the letter to the Pope in favour of the proposed divorce of Hen. VIII. ; was one of 27 Peera by whom, in May 1536, that King's 2nd Queen, Anne Boleyn, was found guilty, and was, in Dec. 1539, at Calais for the reception of his 4th Queen, Anne of Cieves. He suppctrted the King's views as to the extirpation of *' heresy." He was P.C. and one of the six Lords of the council appointed to attend on (hia Gousin(<')) BcL VI., from whom, 16 April 1550, he received the manors of Stepney and Hackney, and to whose household, 1549-51, he wss L. Chamberlain. He m., about 1520, Margaret, 1st da. of Sir Adrian Fortiscur (beheaded 10 July 1539), heir to her mother, his first wife, Anne, da. and h. of Sir William Stonob, of Stonor, co. Oxon, by Anne, da. and eventually h. of John (Nryillr), Marquos op Montagu. He d, at the King's palace at Westminster, 3 and was bur. 7 March 1550/1, with some ■Ute in Westm. Abbey, leaving no less than 16 children (*>) WUl pr. 1551. II. 1 55 1 . 2. Thomas ( Wbntwobth), Lobd Wbntwobth, Ist a. and h. ; 6. 1525 ; ed. at St. John's 0>11., Cambridge ; served in the expedition to Scotland, where he was dubbed Kni^kt- Banneret by bis cousin.(<') the Duke of Somerset, 28 Sep. 1547, in the camp at Uoxbur^gh. M.P. for Suffolk, 1547, till he fttc to the peera^.^ 3 March 1550/1, being sum. to Pari. 23 Jan. 1551/2. Thu' he was one of the signatoriesC*) to the settlement by Bd.^VI., of the Crown on lA<)y Jane Grey, he was among the earliest supporters of the accession of Queen Mary,('j and was one of those apiwinted i/t examine the rebels ; P.C. ; Qovernor of Calais, 13 Dec 1553, till iU recapture (after 200 years) by the Krench, 6 Jan. 1557/8, with whom he remained prisoner above a year, lieiug tried for high treason for his surrender of that town, but acquitted, 22 April 1559.(s) He held a high place in Elisabeth's court, and waa one of those a|>))oiuted, 1559-tiO, to receive the Swedish embassy ; was L. Lieut, of Norfolk aud Suffolk ; was one of the 27 Peers who, in Jan. 1572, tried and condemned the Duke of Norfolk for high treason. He m. firstly, 9 Feb. 1545/6, at Qosfield, oo. Essex, Mary, da. of Sir John Wrntworth, of Qoefield afsd. (d. 15 Sep. 1567), by Anne, da. of John Bbttkmuau, of Pluckley, oo. Kent She {•) He was s. and h. of Sir Henry VVentworth {il. Aug. 1499), s. and h. of Sir Philip W. (d, 1464), a. and h. of Uoger W. {d. 1452), all of Nettlestead afsd., an esUte which the last had acquired by his marriage with Mai^ery, the childless widow of John (de Ros), Lord Roe (slain 22 March 1420/1), da. and (1424) h. of Philip (Le Despenoer), I^rd Le Despencer, who was of Nettlestead afiid. aud of Qoushill, 00. Lincoln. Roger Weutworth was a yr. s. of John W. of North Elmsall, co. Vork (living 1413), who waa grandson of John W. (living 1314), a yr. s. of William W. of Wenth worth Woodbouse, co. York {d. 1308), from whom no less than eight distinct lines of this ancient family descend. See a tabular |>edigree in W. L. Button's

    • Three Branches of the Pamilv of Wenttoorlh," London, 4to., 1891.

(^) This Jsmes is considered to have been the murderer of Edward V. (0) Margaret Wentworth, paternal aunt of the 1st Lord, m. Sir John Seymour, and was mother of the Duke of Somei'set, Lord Seymour of Sudeley, and of Jane, wife of Hen. VIII. and mother of Edwanl VI. (d) Hia poHrait as L. Chamberlain, 1549, int. 48, belonging to Sir C W« Dilke, ia engraved in Button's " Wentworth,** See note "a" aliove. There are also engravings of his portrait by Bartoloaei and Minasi, from the Holbein drawings. (•) See vol. iii, p. 70. note " f," tub " Derby." (() The Earls of Sussex, Bath and Oxford, and Lord Wentworth were the first of the nobility who rallied to Mary. (ff) It apjteared that he had warned the Government of the attack and fruitlessly begged for further supplies. Hayward's statement that Lord Qrey de Wilton was chosen Deputy (t.e., Qov.) of Calais is untrue. Qrey was indeed Capt of Quisnes, three miles from Calais, and surrendered a fortnight later.