Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/11

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u. UFFINGTON.„ *• Craven of Ufpinoton, co. Berks," YiBoountoy (CVotwt), cr. 1665 with the Rabldom or Cratkn, oa Tork, which see ; cae. 1697. t.e., " Uphngton, CO. Berkt," Yiscountcy (Oixwm), cr, 1801 with the Eabldoh of Cbavbn, 00. Tork ; which lae. UFFORD. Barony by 1, Sir Robert db Ufford,(*) of Ufford. oa Suffolk, Wni. igt 1. and h. of Sir Robert db Ufpord, oCA«rwiM Pbttoit (who T 1309 anumed the former neme from his ownemhip of the Lordihip of UfTord, near Woodbridge, oo. Suffollc), and was sometime ( 1 268-69 and 1276-81) Jasticiary of Ireland, by Mary, his wife, relict of William DB Sat, of Sawbridgeworth, oo. Herts, was 5. 11 Jane 1279 ; tuc, his father in 1298 being then 19 ; K.B., 1908, in which year he attended the King, "as a Banneret," into Scotland and was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LOUD UFFORD) from 18 Jan. (1808/9) 2 Bd. IL to 19 De& (1811) 5 Ed. II. He m. OioeIy,(i>) yr. da. and coheir of Robert DB Valoibbs, of Hioklinff, oo. Norfolk. He d. 1816, ased 87. Esoh. 10 Oct. (1816) 10 Ed. II. His widow £ 1826. Both probably were Otir. at Woodbridge Priory, oow. SaffoIk.(«) II. 1316. £. RoBBRT (db Ufford), Lord Ufford, 2d but ' 1st surv. s. and h., h. 9 Aug. 1298 ; mm. Ait ftUker in 1816 ; was sum. to Pari, from 27 Jan. (1881/2) 6 Ed. III. to 14 Jan. (1886/7) 10 Ed. III., and was er., 16 March 1886/7, EARL OF SUFFOLK "ttfti et hcsredilnu nciV He d. 4 Not. 1869, aged 71. III. 1342. S. RoBBRT (db Ufford), Lord Ufford, lets, and h. ap., h. about 1820 ; was sum. T.p. to ParL presumably in his father's Barony (as Lord UrroRD), by writ, 2<i Feb. (1341/2) 16 Ed. III., directed " Roberto de UjfMt Le FiU" He d, v.p. and s.p. presumably before 1864(<l), and certainly before 29 June 1868. (•) A Taluable and critical account of the family of Ufford is in " Ths ChetUn of Ckick^fey** [pp. 822-342], by R E. Chester Waters [pub. in 1878], who speaks of it as " an attempt to disentangle the genealogy of De Ufford from the confusion in which Dugdale has left it.'* A previous attempt'* had, howcTer (not unsuccesafnily), been made (aooompanied by a good tabular pedigree), by "G.S.S." [George Steinman Steinman] in 1847 in the " Top. and Oen.** vol. ii, pp. 271-277. (^) She, " on 28 April 1806 was found to be one of the coheirs of the estates in Norfolk and Suffolk of the extinct family of Greke." See note " a " aboTc. («} " It has been conjectured by Gough, from the arms displayed on a tomb without inscription in Rendlesham church, Suffolk, that Robert de Ufford and his wife Cicely lie buried there, but, according to Weaver, they were bur. in Woodbridge priory.^* See note " a " above. (') Chester Waters says (see note " a " above) that ** he and his wife were both Bring in 1866," for proof whereof he refers to "ColL Top, et Oen.," vol. v., p. 166. In that pUoe is quoted a deed of 89 Ed. III. [1865], by " Elizabetha de Latvmer, uxor Radulphi [tie, but supposed to be an error for Roberti] de Ufford.^' It seems, howeveri somewhat doubtful whether the absence of the word ** quondam " before " uxor "bo/ ittdf sufficient to prove that Robert was still alive and that this deed was that of a woman under coveture and not of a widow. B