Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/126

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116 WESTMORLAND. death, 18 March 1589, he waa heir, being then aged about 16 ; waa ad. at Bmman. Coll., Cambridge; H.P. for Kent, 1601 ; for Maidatone, 1604-11, 1614, 1620-22, and for Petorborougb 1624 ; K.B., 24 July 1603 ; and waa cr., 29 Deo. 1624, BARON OP BURQHGliSH, co. S»88ez,(*) and EARL OF WESTMORLAND. On the death of hia moUier, 28 June 1626, he tuc. her aa LORD LE DESPENCER. He m., shortly after Feb. 1599, Mary, da. and, efeutually, aole h. of Sir Anthony MiLDMAY, of A|)ethori>e, co. Nortlutinpton, by (jrace, da. and coheir of Sir Henry Shkbimoton, of Lacock, Wilta.(^) He d., 28 March 1628/9, aged aboot 55, and was bur, at Mereworth, co. Kent, M.L Hia widow d. at Stevenage, Herta, 9 April 1640. For each of them there ia a funeral certificate at the Public Record Office. (*). Hia will, dat 8 Dec. 1628, pr. 11 May 1629. Her will pr. 1640. Yin. 1629. 2. MiLDHAT (Fans), Earl op Wbstmori^nd, Lord Lb Dbspbhobr, Ac, a. and h., b. about 1602 ; ed. at Emman. ColL, Choi- bridge ; waa M.P. for Peterborough, 1620-22 ; for Kent, 1625 ; and for Prtterborough (again), 1626 and 162829 ; being ttf/Ud Lord Fani, 1624-26, and, aa auch. made K.B. at tbe Coronation, 2 Feb. 1625/6 ; Uyled Lord Li Drspbhobr, from 1626, till he iue, to thepeeragCt aa an Earl, 28 March 1628/9 ; Ch. Justice in Eyre of Rocking- ham foreat, 1629; Joint L. Lieut, of Westmorland, 1689-42; Capt. of aRegt of horse, 1642, taking part, at first with Charles I., in whose Piurl. at Oxford he sat, (being imprisoned aa a ** delinquent " in 1642, fined £2,000 and having hia eatatea aequestered) but subsequently taking the oath to Parl.(<') After the Restoration, he waa, 1660, joint L. Lieut, of Korthamptonsliire. He m., firstly, about 1628, Grace, da. of Sir William Thormthurst, of Heme, co. Kent, by Anne, da. of Thomaa (Howard) 1st Visoodnt Howard or Bimdom. He m., secondly, 21 June 1638, at Hackney, co. Middx. (Lie. Lond ), Mary, widow of Sir Roger Townshbmd. 1st Bart, 2ti da. and coheir of Horatio (DB Vbrb), Baron Vbrk of Tilburt, by Mary, da. of Sir John Traoy. He d., 12 Feb. 1665/6, aged about 68, and waa bur. at Apethori)e.(«) Will, dated 20 Sep. 1662, pr. 17 May 1666. Hia widow, who was 6. in the Netherlands, but naturalised by act 21 Jac. I., d, at Mereworth afad. Noy. 1669.0 Admon. 2 Deo. 1669. IX. 1666. 3. Chablxs (Fans), Earl of WssniORi^ANO, Lord Lb Dbspbmcbr, &c., 1st s. and h., being only a. by 1st wife, b. 1684, And ttyfed honTi Lb Dbspbnokr till 1666 ; ed. at Emman. Coll., Cambridge; M.P. for Peterborough 1660 and 1661-66 ; Lieut.-Com. of Volunteer troop of,borse, 1660 ; nte. to the petraffe, as Karl, 12 Feb, 1665/6 ; was one of those *'in anns *' 1688 to assist the Revolutioo.(S) He m. firstly, 15 June 1665, at Crnyford, Kent (Lia Vic. Gen.), Klizabeth, yst. da. and coheir of Charles NoDBS, of Slieepliall Bury, Herts, by his second wife, Frances, da. of William Pbrt, of Arnolds, co. Es8«*x. She (" a very good fortune"), who was bap, 1 Aug. 104 8, at Sheephall, d. in childbed s.p. Ha m. secondly (*) Creationi, 1483-1646, in ap. 47th Rep., D. K. Pub. Records. His mother waa a coheir of the Baron jf of Burgheraht a*, by writ 1380. See that dignity, as also vol. iii, p. 98, note "d," tub. " Despencer." She waA also (see p. 115, note "f ") a descendant, but certainly not the representative, of Ralph (Nevill), 1st h'arl of WeH' moriand. (b) He is thus described in Manningham's Diary, 11 Jan. 1601/2, **Mr. Fntncis Vane, a young Cent of great hope and forwardness, veiy well affected in the country already .... his possibility of living by his wife very much, she being da. and coheir to Sir Antony Mildmay, and thought her mother will give her all her inheritance also; the father worth £8,000 p. a., the mother £1,200." This fiiir Anthony Mildmay c/. 11 Sep. 1017, and his widow 27 July 1020, both being bur. at Apetborpe, M.I. He wass. and h. of Sir Wslter Mildmay, Chancellor of thu Kxchcquer, Fourder of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, who obtained the estate of Apetborpe from Ed. VI. (0) Portraits of both of them (his at full length) were [1791], at Apethoi-pe. i^) It appears that on 15 Aug. 1648, he had been in prison for 10 months,

    • having a wife and houseful of small children."

(«) He waa author of a vol. of tK)eniB, printed 1648, entitled *' Otia Sacra.** Hia portrait, by Vandvke, was [1791] at Apetborpe. Another, '* after W. Hollar," is engraved in " Doyle." (t) '* Lady Westmorland died thia week." Letter, 20 Nov. 1669. (s) See vol. i, p. 28, note " b," iub " Abingdon " for a list of these.