Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/135

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WHARTON. 125 Rerwiok OMUe, 1667. He m. fintlj, before 4 JuIt 1618,(») Eleanor, da, of Sir Biraa STAFLiTOir, of Wighill, oo. Torkj bj Joan, da. and b. of Sir Lanoelot Thibkiild. Sbe WM living Miohaelmaa 1547.(^) He m« eeoondly, 18 Nov. 1661, at Sheffield, Anne, the chiMleae widow of Juhn (Brati), Lord Brati, da. of Franda (TaukitX 6ih Earl or Shrbwbburt, by bia firat wife, Mary, da. of Thomaa (Daorr), Lord Dacrr dr QiLLRSLAHD. He o. at hia manor houae, at Healaugh, 23 or 24 Aug. and waa 6ttr. there 22 Sep. 1668.(«) Hon. there and at Kirkby Stephen. Will det. 18 July 1668, pr. 7 April 1670, at York. His widow if. 8 Feb. 1684, and waa bur. with him. Her wQl dat 12 March 1682, pr. 20 July 1686. at York. II. 1568. S. Thomas (Wharton), Barok Wharton, Uts. aud h., by let wife ; 6. 1620 ; waa M.P. for Cumberland, 1644/6 and 1647-62; for HeadoD, 1664 ; for Northumberland, 1666, 1668 and 1669 ; knighted, by the Earl of Hertford, 28 Sep. 1646, near Korham Caatle ; Steward of the Honeehold to the Princeea Mary, 1652 ; Maater of the Henchmen to the aame, when Queen, 1664, to whoae will he waa a witneaa ; waa imprisoned in 1661 for unlawful practiaea in religion ; fue. to the peerage, 23 Aug. 1568, being then aged 48, and waa aum. to Pari, from 2 April (1571) 13 Bits, to 8 May (1572) 14 Kliz. ; tunk no part iu the Rising of the North in 1669. (<*) He m., about April or May 1547,(*) Anne, da. of Robert (Ratoltppr), let Karl op Suaaxx, by hia second wife, Margaret, dii. of Thomaa (Stavuet). 2d Karl op Drrbt. She rf. at NewhRll, in Boreham. eo. Eaaex, 7 and waa 6Mr. 14 June 1661, at Boreham.(0 He tl, 14 June 1572, aged aljciut 62, at hia hotiae in Cannon Row, Westminster, and waa bur, in Westm. Abbey. Admrni. 28 Feb. 1678/9, and again, 8 Feb. 1636/7. III. 1572. 3, PHHiip (Wharton), Baron Wharton, b. and h., 5. 23 June 1655 ; ed. at Cambridge, where he wna when he me. to tke peerage, 14 June 1672 ; waa aum. to Pari, from 6 Jan. (1680/1) 23 Kliz. to 17 May (1626) 1 Car. ; waa admitted of Qraya Inn, 2 Feb. 1581 ; Joint Commiaar. on the Scotch borders, I618.(>) He m. firstly, 25 June 1577, at Wincheater place, Bouthwark, Francea^ sometimes called Mary,(**) da. of Henry (Cijppord), 2d Karl op Combrrlakd, by hia aecond wife. Anne, da. of William (Dacrr), I^rd Dacrr di Gilirslamd. She d, 1592, and waa bur, at Kirkby Stephen. He m. secondly, in 1597, Dorothy, widow of Sir Francia WiLLODaRRT,(*) of Wolhitnn, Notts {d, in or before 1596), and formerly of John Thorn WORTH, or Tauworth {d. 1590), of Leake, co. Line, and of Halstead, CO. Iieicest«'r, da. and h. of Thomaa Colbt, of Sheffield -on- Loddon, Hants, by KliTmlietli, da. and cf>lieir of Kdward Qildkiit, Alderman of I^>ndon. She, from whom he had been long so|»arated,(^) d, 4 April 1621. Admon., as of St. Ikitoph'a Aldera- (•) Will of her father of that date. fy Feet of Finea of the Tudor period, II., 131. («) That he waa bur. st Heataugh, and not at KirkI v Rtenhen. is proved by the will of his widow, tho' the inscription on his tomb (on which lies his recumbent statue between hia two wives) at the latter place begins with the words, "Thomaa Whartonus jaceo hie." This, and a parody of it, is gixen in Lipecorob's Bueki, vol. i, p. 545. The monument at Healaugh is described in ffer, and Qen., voL i, p. 82, where (p. 262) is an abstract of his and of his widow's wilt. {^) " My Lord of Cumberland, my Lord Scrope, my Lord Wharton, do be still and do nothiug, as far as I can hear." [Sharp's RcbrJiion, p. 88.] («) His father writes to the Protector, Duke of S«>merset, 21 March 1546/7, that the marriage is *' appointed to he at lAdy Derby 'a house, a mmith after Eaater." [CaL atate Papen.] (0 Machyn, in hia Diary, says " The good Lady died of a cough, ami she wai aa fair a ladv as be, and many moumera in black and great moan made for her in the country. (K) His household expenses for one year, 30 Oct. 1685 to 30 Oct 1586, came to £1,047 ; hia yeariy income, 26 Nov. 160rs was £2,107, and he allowed yearly hia son. Sir Qeorge, 4:802, end his son, Sir Thomas, £100. (^) Ashmole, MS3., 779, 21b. (*) This marriage took place 30 May 1591, at Sherfield. (^) She writes, 5 Oct. 1602, to the £arl of Rutland, " My Iy)rd, my husband has long since taken from me all my living : refusing my company without colour of cause." [tftfl. MSS, Oomm., 12, 4, 1, 886.J