Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/137

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WHARTON. 127 00. Roxburgh, Oroom of the Bodohftmber to James I. She d " ft few miles out of town*'(*) 18 and was bur. 17 Aug. 1693, at Woobnrn. He d. at Hampstead, CO. Middz., 4 or 6 and was bur, 12 Feb. 1695/6, at Woobarn, in his 88d year.C^) M.I. Will proved 1696. V. 1696. 5, 1, and 1. Thomas (Wharton), Baron Wharton, Sarldom ^ ^"* ^'^ *^^^' ^ '^^^ ^'^^^^ ^^ second wife, b. Aug. 1648(**) ; made the grand tour on the continent, 1664 : was M.P. for I. 1706. WendoTor, 1678*79, and for Bucks in seTen Paris., 1679-96 ; joining in the presentment against the Duke of York in 1680 ; MarquMSate. drawing the first draft of the tnvitetion to the Prince of Orange I 1716 ^^ invite England, and being one of the first to join him atms landing in 1688.(«) To him, when King, he was P.O., 1689; Comptroller of the Household, 1689—1702, attending the Congress at the Hsgue. He iue. to the peerage and tn an estate of "above £8,000 a year clear," 6 Feb. 1696/6 ; L. Lieut, of Oxou, 1607—1702, and of Bucks. Jan. to June 1702, but was dismissed from all office at the nccee^ion of Que«n Antic/) He was n*. LL.D. of Cambridge, 16 April 1705 ; was one of the famouH "junto" of five Whig Peers(S) ; was a Commissr. for the Scotch Union. 1706, and wan er, 23 Dec. 1706, VISCOUNT WINCHENDON, oo. Bucks, anH RAUL OF WHARTON, co. Westmorland. From Dec. 1708 to Oct 1710, he was (as h. Lieutenant) Vicrkoy ok Iiirland (^) He took an aotive part in promoting the acceasion of Gen. I., wan, in 1714, maile P.C. to that King, being L. Privy Seal from Sep. 1714 til) his death, six months Inter, and was er., 7 Jan. 1714/5,(1) BARON OF TRIM, co. Meath, F.AUL OK RATHFAUNHAM, CO. Dublin, and MAUQUES3 OF CATHKltLOUQil [l.Land, nhorily nfterwarda. was 0r.l5 Feb. 171 4/5, MARQUESS OF i'HARTON, co. Westmorland, and MARQUESS OF MALMESBURY, oo. Wilts. Ho m. firstly, 16 9op. 1673, at AiMerbury, Oxon, Anne, 2d and yst. da. and coheir of Sir Henry Lbb, 5th Hart, by Anne, da. and (•) Goodwin Wharton's Autohioffraphif. [Addit. BISS. 20.007. Brit. Mus.]. (^) When young, he is said [iemoin of the Mfarqueee of IFAatlon] to have " had particularly fine legs, and took great delight to sliow them in dancing.*'^ He had also a great taste for architecture and painting, but a sour Puritanism was his prevailing characteri«tic. On 12 July 1692 he conveyed lands in Yorkshire to trustees "for buying English bibles and catechisms for poor children and for preaching sermons." The administration of thia charity gave rise in 1896 to a Chancery suit His portrait, "after W. Hollar," is engraved in " /)iiy/e." An account of him is given in Lipscomb's /7iidtt, vol. i, p. 545. (^) Of his elder brothers (1), Thilip was bap, 28 and ftirr. 29 Oct. 1688, at Winohendon ; (2) Arthur, bap. 2 June 1641, d. 21 March following and was bur, at Woobum. (^) In a letter to the then Lord Wharton, Cromwell writes, 2 Sep. 1648, about this child, as '*Tbe young Baron," adding "my love to the dear little lady,*' if., the child's mother. [Thurloe State Papert, I., 99.] (*) He then wrote the famous song of LUlibuUero, pub. in Dec 1688. (0 Macky in his Charactert write? of him, about that period when ** 50 years old, of a middle stature and fair complexion"; that William IH. "did not like in a servant" the boldness with which he censured the measures of the Court, and thought him " t-io popular or too much a Republican to be intrusted with the administration of slnte nffnirs." Ho adds that " he i^i certainly one of the completest gentleman in England, hnth a very clear understanding and manly expressions with abundance of wit He ii* brave in his person, much of a Libertine." See, however, on p. 128, note " b," a pungent diatrib«>, which gives him a very different character. As to his wit see vol. i, p. 40, note " a," for his scathing remark on the introduction, in 1711, of the twelve new Tory Peers. («) See vol. vii, p. 320, note " b," ntb " Sunderiand." (^) His Secretary, in Ireland, was Joseph Addison, the well kfiown essarisi (*) This is the dnte given in Boyer*s PMical State. The account in Lodge's patents (M.S.) is strangely jumbled, the nrivy seal being given as 1 Jan. 1714/5, and the patent as 12 April 1715, the day of the Marquess's death, and the grantee being called " PhiHp, Eari of Wharton."