Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/151

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WILLIAMS — WILLOUOHBY. 141 bj wbom he h«d no inae, m., 10 Cot 1660, iit **8t AlpbioaB*' [Qy., St Giles], Gnpplegate, Sir William Dhuet, Viceroj of Ireland at L. Jostioe (1578), who d, e.p.m. in Dublin, 1579. Admon. 14 June 1580. She m. thirdly. Sir Jamee CkofTi who Rorvived her, and whose will, dated 26 Aug. 1624, was pr. 21 Jan. 1624/5. WILLINGTON, see Wimnoton. WILLOUOHBY, or WILLOUGHBY DE ERESBY. Baronv by /. Sir RonsuT WiTii/>uanBT,of Eresby and Willoughby, ^'^^ Imth CO. Lincoln, liit s. and h. of Sir WilHam WiLLOUOBBT, of I 1313 Willoughby nfsd., by Alice, da. and coheir(") of John (Bekr), Lord Hkke, heiiiefls of Eresby afsd., was 5. aboat 1270 ; wns in the expedition to Oascony, 1297, in the Sooteh wars, 1800, 1806, and 1810; tue, his father, 1807, nud was, in 1810, one of the coheirs to the large estates of his great uncle, Anthony Beke, Bishop uf Dorham (1288-1310), being at that date aged about 40. He was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LOliD WILIjOUQHBY), by write directed " Roberto de }VHyhb^;* from 26 July to 26 Nor. (1818) 4 Ed. II.(^) He tH. before 1303 Margnret, da. of Eihnund (Dkincourt), Lord Dkincourt. He d, 1316. Esch. 10 Ed. 11. His wife survived him. II. 1316. 2, John (Willoughby), Lord Willouoiibt, s. and h., aged 18 at the death of his father in 1816 ; K.B. 1826 ; made proof of his age 1827. He waa sum. to Pari, from 27 Jan. (1381/2) 6 Ed. 1X1. to 10 March (1348/9) 23 Ed. I1I.(«) He served in the wars in Scotland, Flanders, and France, and was in command at the battle of Greasy, 26 Aug. 1846. He m. before 1829 Joan, da. and h. of Sir Petnr ll08CBLTN,(<>) of Eggfield, co. Norfolk. He d. 1849. His widow m. Sir William Symythwaitr, and waa living 1869. III. 1349. S, John (Willoughby), Lord Willoughby, or Lord WiLLOUOHBT DB Errsbt, s. and h., aged 20 at the death of his father in 1849, mnkiug proof of his age in 1850 ; was sum. to Pari, by write directed

    • Jokanni de WUughbif de BreAp" from 25 Nov. (1350) 24 Ed. III. to 8 Jaa

(1370/1) 44 Ed. IIL He served with distinction in the wars with Qasoony and France, and wns present at the battle of Poitieia, 19 Sep. 1856. He m. before 1848, Cecily, 2d btit 1st surv. da. (whose issue became coheir) of Robert (Ufpord), 1st Earl ov Suffolk, by Margaret, dit (whose Issue became heir) of Sir Walter DB Norwich. She d. before him. He d. 29 March 1872 ; Inq. p.m. 46 Ed. III. IV. 1372. 4' Robert (Willoughby), Lord Willoughby db EnitSDT, s. and h., ased 28 at the death of his father in 1372. He was sum. to Pa^L from 20 Jan. (1875/6) 49 Ed. IIL to 20 Nov. (1894) 18 Ric II.(«) He served in the wars with Flanders, France, and (under the Duke of Lancaster) with Spain. On the death, 18 Feb. 1381/2, of his niAternal uncle, William (Ufford), Earl of Suffolk, he was found to be one of his coheirs, inheriting thereby the estete of Parham, oo. Suffolk, Metingham, ca Norfolk, and other considerable possessions. He m. firstly Alice, da. of John Skifwith, of Colthrop (s. of Sir writ' The said Isabel m. secondly, Richard Huddleston, and d, 1587. (2) Margaret, m. Henry (Norreys), Lord Norreys, her descendant and representetive being the present (1897) Earl of Abing<lon, who thus represente the other moiety. (•) See Coll, Top, et Qen,^ vol. iv, pp. 881-345, for an elaborate account of that family, which somewhat contradicte that in vol. i. of this work (iuh " Beke ") and is apparently more reliable. (b) It ts very missible that the precedence of the Barony of Beke (1295) was allowed to that of Willoughby, and that the summons of 1818 may be looked on in the light of a termination of the nlieyance of the Bnrony of Beke in favour of the Willoughby coheir. Some ground for this araumption is given in 1597, when the Barony of De Ta Warr (a creation of 1299), was placed next bdow the Barony of Willoughby, which, if the precedence of Willoughby had been but 1818, would have been anomalous. (0) There is proof in the Rolls of Pari, of his sitting. (^) Coll Tbp, H Oen,^ vol vii, p. 155,