Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/168

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158 WILLOUQHBT. XV. 1716y 5. Hugh (Willouohbt), Lobd Willoughbt db Parham, to [1680 1] ooly B. and h. ; mc to Ae peerage 12 Jiue 1715 (being then a 1765. minor), and took his Mat 1 Feb. 1788. He was "a rigid Presby- terian" ,*(») was Vice Pies, of the Rojal Soo. in 1752, and Praa. of the Soe. of Antiquaries io 1754. He (L unm. at Shaw place (or at his house in London) 22 Jan. 1765, and was bur. at Horwich. M.I. as alid. Admon. 28 March 1765. At his death any Barony originating in Uie writ of summons of 1680, would /all into abejfance.{^) • • • • e • The rigki to the Barony er, by the palent of 20 Feb. 1546/7 was, after tlie death in 1679 of the 10th Barun, as is hereafter stated, tho', as has been stated above, the enjogtuat thereof was allowed (1680—1765) to a junior line. XI. (fiU). 1679, 11. HsMfiT WiLiiOUGHBT, of HuH's Creek, in Virginia in America, de jurei^) Babok WiixouaHBT OF Pabham, after the death of the 10th Baron, 9 Dec. 1679, being s. and h. of Bdward Willoughbt, by Rebeooa, da. of Henry Dbapbb, which Edward, was only s. and h. of the Hon. Sir Ambrose Willoughbt of Matson, oo. Qlouc., (by Susanna, da. and h. of Thomas Bbo«>kb of Matson afsd.), which Ambrose (who was KnighUd 11 Hay 1603 and d, before 161 9('^) was 2(1 a. of Charles, the second Banm, and ddtr brother of the Hon. Sir Thomas WUloughby, to whoM sou, Thoroaa, the Barony had been wrongfully allowed, in 1680, as aboYs stated. He was 6. 1626 at Stewkley, Bocks, and emigrated to Virginia. He m. Mary, da. of (— )i And <f. at Hulls Creek afsd., 26 Nov. 1685. XII. {iu), 1685. 12. Hbkry WiLiiOUonDY, only s. and h., defure^(^) Babon Willoughbt of Pabham at his fsther's death, 26 Not. 1685 ; hap, 18 April 1665, at Miusterworth, oo. Gloucester. He «. 28 July 1695, at St. James' Duke Place, London, Elisabeth, da. of William Pidobon, of Stepner. He d. 22 Oct 1722 and was bur. at Bunhill fields in St. Luke's, Midz. His widow was bur, there 16 Not. 1750. Xin. {ins), 1722. 13. Henry WiMXiUoiiuY, Ist s. and h., de jure II <wi Baron Willoughbt op Pabham at his father's death, 22 Oct aiiowea ] 722, and cte/acto in 1767. Heclnimea that dignity in 1766, and 1 767. w^ allowed it by a resolution of the House of Lordrt,(*) 20 March 1767 becoming thus de Jado BARON WILLOUQHBY OF PARUAM and taking his seat 25 April following. He was 6. on Tower Hill, Ijondon, 14 May 1696 ; was Col. of the 2d Regt. of trained bands of the Tower hanilets. He m. 6 Jan. 1725, at Allhallow's Staining, I^ndon, Susanna, da. of Robert Qbbs- wbll, of East Suiithfield. She d. 28 Dec. 1745 and was bur. at Bunhill fields afsd. He d, s.p.m.s.O at his house in Frith street, Soho, 29 June and waa bur. 6 July 1775 in the family Tault at Bunhill fielda, aged 79. Will pr. July 1775 and Dec 1779. O See Cole, as in Cole's MSS." at the Brit Mus. (tj The coheirs would be his two sisters, (1) Helena, wife of Baxter Roscoe, of Anglesark in Bolton, oa Lancaster, and (2) Elisabeth, widow of John Shaw, of Shaw place in Heath Charnock, co. Lane. Her issue is set out at length by W. D. Piuk, (see p. 157, note " a,") while that of the former lady is recorded in the Coll. of Arms. (^) According to the decision of the House of Lords, 20 March 1767, when that Barony was allowed to Henry Willoughby, son of Henry^ and grandson of another Henry Willoughby, both of which last nnmed Henrys would, when alive, have been equally entatl«l (as is stated in the text) to that dignity. (<i) Hia admon. as "of Gateburton, ca Lincoln," dat 20 Deo. 1619 and granted to a creditor, is in the Archdeaconry court of Stowe. (*) In this decision it was admitted that the preceding Lords, in and after 1780, had " sat contrary to the right and truth of the case." if) Three sons, Heniy, Henry and Ambrose, and one da., Susan, d. in infancy, but the rem. da., Elisabeth, S. 28 Oct 1726, m. firstly, John Halsey and secondly, Edward Aiflea^ bat d, s*p. and y.p. May 1768, being 5iir. in Bunhill fieldf*