Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/17

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ULSTER. VL 1368. 5. Philippa, snojure{*) Gounthb op Ulbtkr [l. Lady of the Honour of Clure, only dii. And h., fue. on the death, 17 Oct. 1868, of her faUier, Lionel, Dtike of Clarence to the ahovenamed dignities, of which he, apparently, was the life tenant She was b, 16 Aug. 1855, and m., in 1868, E<ttuood (Mortiiirr), Earl ok March, who d. 27 Dec. 1881. She d. 5 Jan. 1881/2. BoUi were bur. at Cork. M.I. YII. 1382. 6. RooBR (Mortimbr), Earl op Maroh, ftc, also Earl or Ulbtsr [I.], Lord of the Honour of Clare, a. and h., 5. 11 April 1374 ; $ue. his father, 27 Dec 1881, as Karl of March, Ac., and inc. his mother, 5 Jan. 1881/2, as Bakl op Ulbtir [I.], fte. He was declared, [jure moA-if], heir preaumntive to the Crown in 1887. He d. 20 July 1898, aged 24, and was otcr. at Wigmore, co. Hereford. YIII. 1398. 7, Edmond (Mortimer), Earij op March, Ac, also Earl of Ulstbr [I.], Lord of the Honour of Clare, s. and h., 5. 6 Not. 1891. He d, unm. in prison at Trim Castle, Ireland, 19 Jan. 1424/5, and was 6iir. at Clare Priory afsd. IX. 1425. 8, Richard (Plantagbnit), Durb op YorKi Earl op March, fta, also Earl op Ulbtib [I.], Lord of the Honour of Clare, nephew by the sister end h., being only s. and h. of Richard, Earl of Caubridor (2d s. of Edmond, Duki of York and grandson of Sdward III.) hj his first wife, Anne, eldest sister of Earl Edmond abo?e- named. He was o. 1412 ; sue as Dnke of York (on the death of his paternal unde), 25 Oct 1415, and tuc as Karl of March, &c., and as Earl of Ulster [I.] (on death of his maUrnal uncle abovenamed) 19 Jan. 1424/5, being then aged 14. He was slain at the battle of Wakefield, 81 Dec. 1460, aged 48, and bur. at Fotheringay. X. 1460, 9. Edward (Plantagbnbt), Dukb op York, Earl to or March, ftc, also Earl of Ulrtrr [I.], Lord of the Honour 1461. of Clare, s. and h. ; 6. 28 April 1442. Un 4 March 1460/1, he ascended the throne as Bdward IV., when oil hi$ kotumn heouM merged in ike down. « to a 2.0., Dukedom "Ulstbr" Earldom [I.l (Stuart), er. 1659.(»») See "York" 1, er. 1644 ; merffed in the Urown (on the accession of James IL), 1685. i.€ , "Ulbtir " Earldom [I.], (Ernest Atigustua, hr of G«).t), cr. 1716, with the DuKRDOM or Tork aud Albany, which see ; e«. 1728. t.<?., "Ulstbr" Earldom [L] (H.R.H. Prince Edioanl Augustus), cr. 1760, with the DuKBDOH or York ard Albany, which see; ex. 1767. !.«., " Ulotbr " Earldom [I.] (H.R.H. Pnnee Frederick), cr. 1784, with the DuKiDOM OF York and Albany, which see ; ex. 1827. t.e., "Ulstbr" Earldom (H.R.H. Alfred Ernest Albert J, er. 1866 with Uie Karldou of Kbnt,(«) and the Dukbdom ov Edinboroh, which last see. (•) See p. 6, note" 0." n One of the peerages er. by Charles II. in esile. See yoI. v, page 14, note " b,'* •ub " Langdale." («) A wanton and fatuous obliteration was thus effected of the historic title of TJlster, which for more tlian 6^ centuries had been prominent among the titles of the Royal family. Had the giantee been made Jhike of Kent (as was his Rrand* father) and Karl vt Ulster, the latter title would occasionally have been in use j but the