Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/171

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WILTON. 161 ».«., "Grbt db Wilton, co. Hereford," Barony (Bgerton), er. 1784; es. 1814 ; see " Wii;roir of Wilton Castle/' Earldom, er, 1801 with a speo. rem. !.«., "Grbt db Wilton, co. Hereford," Viscountcy, cr. 1801, with a npec. rem., together with the Earldom op Wilton of Wilton Castle, which see. Earldom. 1, TnoMAS (F^krton), Baron Grbt db Wii/ton was cr. 1 1801 26 June 1801 VISCOUNT ailBY DB WILTON and EARL OF WILTON OK WILTON CASTLR(«) eo. Hereford, with a spec, rem. fniliiiB the heirs innle of his body " to his grandson, Thomas QnwTenor, second sou of (Sleanor, his da., wife of Robert Grosvenor, commonly called Viscount Belgrade, and his isnue male, failing which, to Robert, third son, and to the fourth and e^ery other son of the said Eleanor by the said Robert Grosvenor or any future husband." He, ss Sir Thomas Egerton, Bart, was of Heaton(^) co. Lnncnster, being 2 but Ist surr. s. and h. of Sir Thomas Grey BoiRTON, 6th Bari., of the same, by Catharine, da. and coheir of the Rev. John COPLlT, of Batley, oo. York, Rector of Thomhill nnd Wakefield, in that county ; was ft. 14 May 1749 at Heaton ; «»<;. to the Bnroneteff (a dignity cr. 6 April 1617) on the death of his father, 7 Aug. 1756 ; ed. at Westm. and at Cb. Ch. Oxford ; matrio. 11 Feb. 1767 ; er. M.A. 14 Feb. 1769 ; was M.P. for Lancashire, 1772-1784 and was er., 16 Hay 1784. BARON QRRY DE W1LT0N,(") oo. Hereford, tnking his seat on 18th inst. Ho was, 17 years Inter, er. 26 June 1801, a VUetmnt and £arl as afsd., with, in this last case, a spec rem. of both those titles as above stated. He was Coh of the Lane. Vol. Fencibles, 1794 and of the Heaton corps of Vol. Artillery, 1803. He m. 12 Sep. 1769, at Middleton, co. Lane, Eleanor, 2d and yst da. and coheir of Sir Ralph AssHiTON, 8d Bart, of Middleton, oo. Lancaster, by his second wife, Eleanor, 1st da. and coheir of the Rev. John (/OFLIT, of Batley, afsd. He d. s.p.m.s., 28 Sep. 1814, aged 65 at Heaton House, when the Baronetcy passed to his oousin and h. male ; the Barony of Orcy de Wilton became taUindt but the Earldom and Viscountqy devolved as under. Will pr. 1815. His widow d. at Heaton House, 8 Feb, 1816, aged 66. Admon. April 1816. II. 1814. 2. Thomas (Grosvbnor, aflerwards Egbrton), Earl or Wii/roN and Visoouitt Grit di Witm>ir, maternal grandson, being 2d(«) s. of Robert (QROSTuroR), 1st Marquksof WisTMiNsm (d. 17 Feb. 1845), by Eleanor {d. 29 Nov. 1 840), da. and only surviv. child and heir of the above. He was ft. 80 Dec. 1799, at Milbaok House, and bap. at St. John's, Westm. ; ed. at Westm. ; sue. to the peerage, as above, on the death of his maternal grandfather, 23 Sep. 1814, under the spec. rem. in the limitation of that dignity ; mat. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 81 Oct. 1817 ; tcHik the name and arms of Sgerton in lieu of that of Oroeienor, by royal lie. 27 Nov. 1821 ; er. D.C.L. of Oxford, 10 June 1834 ; P.C. 1885; L. -Steward of the Household, Jan. to April 1835 ; G.O.H. (civil) 1885 ; Col. of the *' Queens own " Light infimtry reg. of Tjondon militia, 1840 ; Hon. Col. 1862 ; First Plenipo. to the King of Saxony with the Qarter,(*^) who was invested therewith at Dresden, 8 Od 1842, being himself, consequently, made Knight of the Crown of Rue of Saxony, a few days later. He m. firstly, 29 Nov. 1821, Mary Margaret, yst da. of Edward (Stamlbt), 12th Earl or Dbrbt, by his second wife, Elisa, da. of George Fabbin, (*) The grantee was 6th in descent from Sir Rowland Egerton, 1st Bart., of Eserton and Oulton,co. Chester, by Bridget, his wife, only sister of the whole blood of Thomas (Qrey), Lord Grey de Wiltoo, ottninted 1404. See vol iv, p. 114, note "a," suft. " Grey." (^) The eatate of Heaton was brought into the family by the match of the great grandfather of the grantee, Sir John Egerton, 8d Bart. (cf. 1729) with Elixabeth, sister and heir of Edward Holland, of Heaton afsd. («) He was the second of 3 brotliera, all of them holding distinct peerages ; the eldest becoming in 1845 (by his father's death). Marquess of Westminster and the youngest being er. in 1857, Baron Kbury. (<>) See vol. u,p. 192, note ** a,** tub " Catheart " for a list of these special minions with the Qsrter.