Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/182

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172 WmOHBSTBR. before Dea 1625 ; Joint Maeter of the King a Wanlis, 1526 ; M.F. for Hants, 1529-36 ; Comptroller of the Household, 1682 ; Joiut Coiuuiis«r. to depose Katharine, the Queen Consort, April 1588, and Joint Ambassador to France and to Rome, May to Aug. 1588 ; was on the trial of Fiislier and Uore in 1585, and of the supposed acoomplioes of Anne Boleyn, the Queeu C«iiisort, in May 1586 ; eutertained Hen. VIII. at Basing in Oct. 1585, who rewarded his subserviency by several large grsnts, including the lands of Netley Abbey, Hunts, in Aug. 1586. He was in ouiumand against the rebels in the " Pilgrimage of Grace," Sep. 1586 ; Treasurer of the Household, 1587-89, being, as " William Poulet, Kut"(ft) cr. 9 March 1538/9, BAKON SBINT JOHN(b) i.e., SAINT JOHN. He was Master of the Court of Wards and Liveries, 1540-54 ; Keeper of theUoyal woo<ls, 1541 ; I'.O. to Hen. VIII. (1542). Ed. VI. (1547), Mary (1558), and Elisabeth (1558-76) ; el. KQ. 28 April ami inst 6 May 1548 ; Chamberlaiu of the Household, 1648-45 aud Great Master (Steward) thereof 1545-60 ; L.- President of the Council, 1546-50 ; one of the executors of Hen. VIII. ; Joint Got. to Ed. YI-, at whose coronation, 20 Feb, 1546/7, he bore the second sword ; was for a few months, March to Oct. 1547, L.-Keejper of the Great Seal, under the Protector Somerset^ in whose overthrow he jomed ; was as '* William Paulet, Knt., Baron [Dominus] St. John, Grand Master of the Household '») cr. 19 Jan. 1540/50, EAUL OF WILTSHiRE.(c) On 8 Feb. following he became Lord Tbkasubbb, an office which he held (thro' 8 reigns) till his death, 22 yean later. On the fall of the Protector (Somerset) he was advanced, 11 Oct. 15fil(<') to the Margueeeate of Win- eheeteTf as abovestated, aud was in Dec. following L. High Stbwabd for the trial of the said Protector. He (with his eldest son) was one of those who signed, 16 June 1558, the settlemeut of the Ci-own ou Lady Jane Gi*ey,(«) to whom, on 12 July, he delivered the Crown jewels, but whom on the 19th he deserted, taking an active part in the proclamation of Queen Mary. Bv that Queen (as well as by her suc^^essor) he was confirmtfd in his office, bearing the oro at her coronation, 1 Oct. 1558. He was L. Prfvt Seal, 26 March 1556 ; Lieut, of the order of the Garter, 1656 and 1568. (•>) " OreatioM, 1483— 1646, ' iu up 47th Rep D.K. Pub. lUcords. (^) Tho' this is the spelliug in the patent, the writs both to him and his son were directed *' Domino St, John" i.e. Saint John. ** It is generally considered that he was create<l Baron of St. John of Bcuimj^ but Mr. Hurgrave observes in a M.S. note to his copy uf tdmondioH'i Peentge now iu the British Museum : ' I have a copy of the Patent before me, and it runs to heirs male of Sir Wm. P.'s body, and the title conferred upon him was Seint John^ and not Rt. John of Basing. — F. H.' " [Courthope], The writ of Buron«ous, however, in 81 Hen. VIII. was (according to Dugdale*s '* Lists ") directed " WiUidmo Paulet de St, John {de Boeing) ehl*r" and that iu 88 Hen. VII. and in 8 Ed. VI. to him as ** dowino St, John de Boeing ;" that to John, his son, in 1654, as " Johanni Patdet, domino St, John, ChlW;*' that to William, the son of the said John, in 1672, as " mUiehno Paulet, domino St. John, ChVr " that to William, son of the last named William, in 1580, as " Williehno Paulet^ domino St. John (de Boeing) ; " and that to John, son of the last named William, iu 1624, as *' Johanni St John {de Boeing), ChVr ; " so that in some cases the words " de Boeing " are omitted and in others inserted, tho' in most of the insertions they are put within brackets, tho,' probably, only by Dugdale himself. The title was chosen inasmuch as the grantee was grandson and heir of John Paulet, or Poulet, of Basing {d. 1470) who was B. and h. of Sir John P., Sheriff of Wilts (1429), by Constance, da. of Sir Hugh Poynings, otherwiee St. John, which Constance was coheir to the Barony of Saint John, otherwiee Saint John de Basing, er. by writ 1299. See ped. in vol. vii, p. 16, note <'b," eub <* Saint John." («) Baaks (Bar, AngL, vol. i, p. 877) states that he, a year later, on being created a Marquess, reeigned tfte Earldom of fFiltehire, " of which tlie pateut was cancelled, and, it seems, the vacancy was so looked upon by Queeu Elizabeth, who, according to Naunton, b said to have offered the Earldom to her cousin, tho Lord Huusdon." There appears, however, to be no grouuds fur tliis statement. It is, however, some- what remarkable that this Earldom of Wiltshire seems not to have been used as a courtesy title for a long period, the Barony of St. John taking its place. See p. 166, note "e." (<>) Two dukedoms (Northumberland and Suffolk), one Marquessate (Winchester), and one Earldom (Pembroke), were conferred on that day. (•} See vol iii. p. 70, note f," eub "Derby." Froude says {** Queen Mar^," p. '28). that the Marquess of Winchester and the Earl of Arundel ** had signed, with a deliberate intention of dtMrtlng or betraying Northumberland."