Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/188

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178 WINCHILSEA. Rastoration ; Oapt of a Troop of Hone and Go], of a Reg. of Foot ; knighted 26 If ay 1600, and was er. 26 June 1660, BARON FITZHBRBERT OF BABTWBLL, oo. Kent ;(») L. Lieut, of Kent, 1660, 1668. 167683, 1686-87,(**} and 1689. Ambaaaador in reaidenoe at Conatantinople,(^) 1660-60 ; L. Lieut, of Somerset, 1675-83 ; was among those who voted for the acoesiiion of William and Mary in 1689. He m. firstly, 21 May 1645,(<l) at St. Giles' in the fields, Diana, da. of Francis (Willooqhbt), 5th Baron willodqhbt op Parham, by Elizabeth, da. and coheir of Edward (Cboil), VisoonNT WiMBLBDON. By her he had no issue that survived him. He m. secondly, before 1653,(«) Hary, da. of Willinra (Srtmour), 2d Dokr or Sombusbt, by his second wife. Frances, da. of Robert (Dbyrrbox), Earl of Essrx. By her he had 11 ohiiaren.(0 He m. thirdly, 10 April 1073, at St. Andrew'a, Holbom, Catherine,(s) widow of Sir John Wbntwwortu, of Blnishall, formerly wife [1666] of Christopher LiSTBB, da. of Sir Thomas Norolifp, of Langton, co. York, by Dorothy, da. of Thomas (Fairfax), ViaooaNT Fairfax of Eulbt [t] She d, s.p.m. in, or before, 1679. Admon., as of Eastwell afsd., 17 June 1679. He m. fourthly (Lie Vic. Gen., 29 Oct. 1681, she of Richmond, co. Surrey, about 20 with consent of father), Elisabeth, da. and h. of John Atrks, of London. He d, Sep. 1689. Will dat. 18 Aug. and pr. 10 Sep. 1689. His widow d, 10 April 1745, at a great age. Will dat. 25 Sep, 1735, pr. and enrolled 1745. [William Finoh, styled Visoount Maidstonb, a. and h. ap. by second wife ; b. about 1653 ; m. Elisabeth, da. of Thomas Windham, of Fellbrigg, co. Norfolk. He d, v.p. being slain in the fight at sea against the Dutch, 28 Nov, 1672. His widow d. about 1696. Will, without date, pr. 23 Sep. 1696.] IV, 1689. ^. Charlbs (Finch), Earl of Winchilsba, Visoount Maidstonb, and Baron Fitzhirbbrt or Eastwkll, ahw a Baronet, grandson and h., being posthumous s. and h. of William Finoh, iiyled Visoount (A) A aimilar case of a person possessing a peerage of higher degree and more ancient date, receiving a Barony (without any tpeeial and more extended remainder) was when the Earl of Denbigh waa er., 2 Feb. 1663/4, Baron St. Lis. In both cases it was, apparently, to commemorate a presumed descent from a family of the name. There is in the Colt. Top et Oen., 1st series, pp. 325-887, an interesting account of the Finch family " compiled by Jo. Philipott, Rouge Dragon " [1618-24] wherein it is deduced from " Henricus, fUiut IlereberU, Heniici primi Oamerarius," there made to be ancestor, in the male line, both of the Euria of Pembroke, as also (in the 5th degpree) of '* Herebertus, filius Hereberti, dictus Pinch" to whom the arms now borne by " Finch " are ascribed and from whom Sir Moyle Finch, Bart, is made 10th in deacent. It is, however, a fact thut (save for 2 references, vts., " 28 Hen. III." and '* 14 Ed. I. ") there is neither date nor any name of place in all this elaborate performance, which, consequently, it would be extremely difficult to (iuprove. (b) See a list of L. Lieuts. removed, as in his case, by James II., in vol. i, p. 28, note "a," iu6 '* Abingdon." («) He published in 1661 an account of his ** audience with the grand Vizier and grand Seignieur" [The Sultan Mahomet Chan IV.], and in 1669 an account of an eruption of Mount Etna, which he had witnessed. He was a great debauchee. See Harley*s dfemitranda in N, ds Q., 2d S., vol. i, p. 325, for his witty retort to Charles 1I.'s allusion thereto, vts., that he was His Maiesty's " representative." {^) In a fictitious work, entitled Lady Willoughbjf*t biary^ her marriage is placed as between Oct. 1652 and April 1653 ; the birth of her only son, Heneage, as about Oct. 1658, and his death of smallpox as on 28 March 1655, followed by her own death, 22 March 1655/6, in her 21st year. Of these dates that of her marriage ia certainly wrong, as probably is also that of her age at death, if, indeed, the date of auch death (which, apparently, is 3 or 4 years too late) is correct. (•) "Doyle," (') " OoUin$** where they are all set out, tho' (that credulous old gossip) Aubrey relates that ** My Lady Seymor dreamt that she found a nest with nine finches in it ; and 80 many children ahe had by the Earl of Wiuchelsea, whose name ia Finch." That Earl had in all 27 children, of whom 16 lived to ** some maturity." (I) ** A pretty young woman of 23." [Letter of B. Oholmeley to Lady Harley, 12 April 1673.] ^