Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/202

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192 WINTON. health, resigned hu dignities and estates in fa? our of his br., Qeorge, by a procuratory of resignation/'(*) which, however, was not acted on till 23 May 1607, after which date he was known (Hiinply) as llobert 3eton.(^) He m., I)«*fure 22 Bfarch 1603, Anne, sister of John, Idt EitL oi^ Laudbkdalb [S.], only da. of John (Maitlamd), 1st Lord Maitlano of THiuLitiTANi [S.], by Jean, da. and h. uC James (Plmuino), Loud Flbminq [3.] She d. 6 July 1609, uKed 20, an I was bur, at Uaddiugtou. He, who was living as late as 20 Jan. 1634, d. s.p. III. 1G07. S. Gkorgb (Sbton), Earl op Wintoun [S. 1600], Lord Sbton [S. 14 18F], and I.okd Srton and Tiianbnt [8. 1600], next br.,(e) b, Dec. 1584 ; tuc. to the aboeenamcd pecraye [S.J, with rem. to heir.n mnle under a vovodamut^ 28 Mny 1607, pnx^ceding npon the re»igiiati(m of the Ute Earl, as above- stated. He entertiiiued at m house at S«*.ton, Juui<*s L in 1617, and Cliarles L twice in 1633 ; ou that King he wuitt^d after the iwciAcation iu 1639 ; and for his rescue in 1648, contributed £1.000, tho' bin estutes b;id been sequestrated. He attende<l on Cilleries H., when in Scotland iu 1650, at whine coronation he had iutended (had he lived) to have been present. Hum. firstly, 26 April 1609, Anne, let da. of Francis (Hat), 8th Kakl ov Kiiuoix [3-1, by his third wife, Elizabeth, da. of William IN fS.] She was living Mav before 1631, Elizabeth, sister of John, Eaul ok Nitusdai.k [S ], da. of John (Maxwki.l), (Douglas). Eaul of Mouton fS.] She was living May 162.3. He m. secondly, 7ih LOHD Hkubiks of Tbrrkolbs [S.], by Elizabeth, da. of John (Xaxwkll), 1x)U0 Maxwell [S.J He d> 17 Dec. 1650, aged 65. and was bur. at SBtou.(*') Funeral entry in Lyou office. His second wife survived him. [Gborgb Sbton, »Ujled Lord Seton, 2d but Ist surv. a. and h. ap.(^) by Ist wife, ^.16 May 1613 ; was imprisoned at Edinburgh iu May 1645 for his loyalty, and fined £10,000 Scots. In Aug. following he joined Montn«e, but was ag-iiii made prisoner, after the defeat at Phili|>haugh, 13 Sep. 1645, but was released, on a Uuid f«>r £100,000 Scots being given for his appearance. He m. (contract 25 March and 9 and 19 Oct. 1639), Heurietta, 2d da. of 0*M)rge (Qordon), 2d MARQUi>:a9 of HuNTLT [S]. Ue d, v.p. 4 June 1618 at Seton, and was ba*'. there aged 35. His widow m. 1649, as his first wife, John (Stbwart), Earl of Traquair [S.], who d, April 1666, in his 44th year. She d. Deo. 1650.] fft) " Bevleu;' p. 176. {^) See ** Riddell" p. 49, as to this "complete case of denudation, from [Qy. **by "] alienation of the honours." {*) Alexander Seton, afterwards Montgomene, the next br., became Earl of Eglir.ton, &c. [S.], in 1612, according to the settlement, 1611, of his maternal cousin, Hugh (Moutgomerie), Earl of Eglintou [S] Ilis issue in the male line continues to the present (1897) time, and not improlmbly are the heirs male of the house of Seton. The next br„ Sir Thomns Seton, wns (according to Wood's " JJowjlaa") " ancestor of the Setons, of OUveKtob," but the next and yst. br.. Sir Johu Seton, who was living 3 July 1620, d. s.p.m. (d) " A man of great magnificence and energy ; he built the quaint old house of Win ton in 1620." (e) The eldeat son, another George, h. 22 July 1610, died young, presumably before May 1613. Of seven other sons, but two had issue, viz. (1), Alexander(liy Ut wife), who was er. 1051 Viscount Kingston [S.], whose yst. s., the 3d Viscount, forfeited, in 1716, the said diRuity, and whose male iasue bei-ume extinct about 1726, and (2) Sir John Seton, of Qarletoun (by second wife), a a Haronet (9 Dec. 1664), whose successor. Sir George Seton, Hart [S.], attainted of high treason in 1716, d. at Versailles 9 March 1769, aged 84. It is stated in Wood's '* Douglas" that "this family still [1818] subsists in the male line tho' diitposReissed of the estutes" — and at St. Andrew's, Newcastle, there occurs tho burial, 31 Dec. 1782, of *' Uidpli S(>ton, commonly called l^rnl Seton, aged 80." It in ob«erYe<l iu " Jletditt" that '* if there be issue male from Sir John Seton, of Garletoun, now iu existence, his heir nude would be tho heir male of the Earls of Wintoun ; but if, as seems most probable, his male issue has failed, the Earl of Eglintou would appear Ut be the heir male of the house of Seton and entitled to all Uie houours held by the Earls of Wintoun."