Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/22

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12 URQUHART — UXBRIDOB. URQUHART. Albzandbb Siton, who in 1587 was a Jjord of SesBioii [8.1 andcr Um tiyla of Lord Ubqobaiit, was or., 4 March 1697/8, Lord Ftyb [SJ Bee " DiniFEBMLDii " Barldom [3.], cr. 1605 ; farjeiUd 1690. URTIACO see «L'Oim.«  UTTOXETER. See Gabdhib of Uttoxstbb Barony l. (Qardner cr, 1800; tbo "Oabohib of UnoUTiRy oa SUfford," B«ron/ [U.K.], «r. 1806. UVEDALE. Baronvby 7. Pbtbr dk Uvkdaue wiis sum. to Pari, as a Baron Writ. (LORD UVEDALB), bj write from 27 Jan. (1331/2) 6 Bd. 10 to 22 I 1332 ^°* (1835/6) 9 Bd. III. He appareDtly Is the same Peter, who waa . ' a. and h. of John DR Uvbdalb, of Taoolneatoo, oo. Norfolk, and of 1 «QA ^^■^> ^' Surrey, by Isabel, da. and b. of QUbert DR BnoH, which ld«>0. p,^ ^^ yg |g||^„ (182122) 15 Ed. II. ; «. Harpiret Divham and d. ».?.(•) UXBRIDGE. Barldom. i. Hsnrt (Pagbt), Lord Paqft db Bbaudbsbbt T 1714 [1552] and Baroii Burton [1712], who had been or. v. p. 1 Jan. ' 1711/2, Baron Burton of Burton, co. SUfford, and who had sue his father 26 F«b. 1712/3 iw Loud Paukt dr BKArnisKiiT, was soon afterwards, er, 19 OcL 1714, BARL OK UXBRIDQE, oo. Hiddleeez. He d. 80 Aug. 1748. II. 1743, 2. Hbnby (Pagbt), Earl of Uxbridgb [17141 to Lord Paort dk Bbaddssbrt [1 552], and Baron Burton [1712], 1769. grandson and h., &ap. 22 Jan. 1719 ; »uc to the peerage, as aboYS, 80 Aug. 1748. He d. uum. 16 Nor. 1769, when the Barony of Burton and the Earldom of Uxbridye became extinct. III. 1784. i. Hbnrt (Pagbt, /onneY'/y Batlt), Lord Pagbt DR Braddrsrrt [1552], cousin and h. of the late Barl, 6. 18 June, 1744 ; mc. to the peerage 16 Nov. 1769 aa heir gen. of the 1st Baron, and was cr. 19 Sep. 1784, EARL OF UXBRIDOB, co. Middx. He d. 18 March 1812, aged 68. lY. 1812. 2. Hbnrt Wiluam (Pagbt), Eabl of Uxbridgb [1784], and Lord Paort dr Braudrskrt [15521 s. and h., b, 17 May 1768 ; tue, to the peeragi 18 March 1812. He was cr. 4 July 1815, MARQI3BSS OF ANGLBSBY ; see that dignity. (*) Of his two brothers (1), John ntc. him and d, B.p., and (2) Thomas wss h. to John. He d. (1866) 40 Bd. III., being ancestor of the Uvedales, of Wiokham, Hants, and of Titsey, oa Surrey. See Banks's " Bar. Angl. Cone."