Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/226

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V. 1474, 1, RiOHABD PiiAKTAGBNKT, 2d ond jst. B. of Edward IV., to by Elieabeth, da. of Uicbard (Wtdvilli), Earl Rivbus, wiib b, 1483. at ShrawBbury (Mpparently) 17 Aug. 1473.(*) He waa or, 28 May 1474, DUKti OF YOUK ; KB. 18 April 1476 ; and waa el. K.Q. 15 May 1475. He iji. 15 Jan. 1477/8, at St. St«pken*a ChaiwI, Weetm. (he being in bia 5th and abe in her 6th(*') year), Anne, tuo jure Countkss op Norkolk, Babonbss MoiiTBBAY AND Baronkss Siqkavk, and (preauinably) Cuuntbsu MaU8Ual.(°) She, who waa da. and h. uf John (Mowbuat), Dukk and Eaul op Noupolk, Eaiil op NoTTiNQHAM, Barl MARSHAL, Earl OP SuBKKY AND Waubnnk, &c. {d. a.p.m. 17 Jan. 1475/6, aged 81), by Elizabeth, da of John (Talbot), Ist Eaul up Shbbwbbuuy, waa &. 10 Dec. 1472, and d. fl.p. 10 Jan. 1480/1, aged 8, being bur. in WoHtm. Abbey. He, inanticipationof Buch nmrriage, waa cr. 12 June 1476, RAUL OF NOTTINQHAM, and on 7 Feb. 1476/7, EAUL WAUblNNE and DUKE OF NOUFOLK. On 5 May 1479, bia father made him Chief Gov. of Ireland (aa L.- Lieut), and two daya after- wards he appointed his deputy. He d. a. p. 28 June 1488, being murdered (with bia br. Edward V.) iu the Tower of London, in hia 10th year, when aU hU honoun became extinet. VL 1494, 1. Hbnrt Tudor, 2d s. of Henry VII., by the Lady to Elisabeth Pla.ntaokmit, da. of Sdward IV., and heir of line to 1504. her 6r., Bdward v., waa, aa "Henry, second aon of the King, Conatable of Dover Caatle, Warden of the cinque porta, lilnrl Marshal of England and Lieutenant of Ireland,"(d) cr. 81 Oct 1494, DUKE OF YOKK. 13y the death of hia elder br., Arthur, Prince of Walea, he became 2 April 1502, DUKE OF CORNWALL, and was cr. 18 Feb. 1503/4, Prince of Wales and EARL OF CHESTER, hia creation to the Dukedom of York becoming void by Act of Pari. [150804] 19 Hen. YII. [probably 18 Feb. 1503/4] on his becoming " the King's heire apparaunt and Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornewall and Erie of Che8tre."(<i) He ascended the throne, 22 April 1509, as Henry VIII. For fuller particulars, see "Cornwall " Dukedom, 1502 to 1509. VII. 1605, i. Charles (Stuart), Duke op Atjxany [S.],(«) 3d son to of Jamee X, by Anne, da. of Fhbdiriok II., Kino ok Dknmauk, 1625. was cr. 6 Jan. 1604/5, DUKE OF YORK. Bv thu death of hia eldest br., Henry, Prince of Wales, he beciime. 6 Nov. 1612, DUKK OF CORNWALL, and waa cr. 4 Nov. 1616, Prince of Wales and EARL OF OUBSTfill. He ascended the throne, 27 March 1625, as Charles I., when aU hi$ honoun merfftd in the Crown. For fuller particuUrs see " Cornwall," Dukedom," 1612 to 1625. VIII. 1644, i. Jambs Stuart, 3d but 2d Burv. s. of Charles I . by to Henrietta Maria, da. of Hxkrt IV., Kino of Francb, waa 6. nt St. 1685. JAmea' Palace, 14 Oct.(f} and bap. 24 Nov. 1633, and was cr. 27 Jan. 1643/4, DUKE OF YOUK, having, however, been so designated and proclaimed on the day of hia birth, and, having been, aa such, el. and invested K.G., at York, 20 April 1642, his installn. being dispensed with (at Oxford) 2 March 1644/5, but (a) See letter of "C.H." in N. <C- Q., 8th S. iz. 51, where the matter ia fully discussed, the year 1472, generally aaHign«<l fur his birth, l>viiig diaprovetl. (k) In an Act of Pari. 17 Kd. IV. (4 March 147U/7 to 3 March 1477/8), Ate w, however, spoken of as " nowe uf the age of vi yero." See Furuivaira Chiid Marriagee (Karly English Text Society), p. Ixxxvii), where several astounding facta resiiecting such unions are (apparently for the first time) brought to lights (o) See vol y, p. 262, note " o," eub " Marshal." (d) ** Ortatiane, 1483—1646," in ap. 47th Rep. D. K. Pub. Records. (t) See p. 219, note **b." {t) See ner, amd Oen,, vol i?, pp. 518—525, for correct datM of birth, eta, of the nine children of Charles L