Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/241

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APPENDIX. 231 Sir ThomM Onwlev-Boerej, Bui.), was ft. 81 Aug. 1819, in Powit plaoe, 8U Qao. the Martyr, Midv. and lap. 4 Oet at Stowe afid. ; ed. at Rugby and at Ex. Coll., Oiford ; B.A. and 8rd olaan alaaaics, 1841 ; M.A, 1844 ; partner (senior iMurtner in 1875) of the said house of " Antony Gibbs ft Sons " ; a director and somettme (1876-77) GoTemor of the Bsnk of England : F.G.S. ; F.S.A. ; High Sheriff of Herta, 1884 ; M.P. (Gonsenr. interest) for London, 1891-92, and was cr. 81 Jan. 1896, BARON ALDENHAM of Aldenham, oo. Hertford being introduced 11 Feb. 1896(»). He si. 6 May 1846, at Thorpe, Surrey, Louisa Anne, 3rd da. of William Adams, L.L.D., Fellow of Uie Gollege of Advocates, doctors Commons, London, by Mary Anne,(^) 8rd da. of the Hon. William Cookatnr,(«) of Uushton Hall, co. Northampton, niece and coheir of Borlsse, 6th ViaooDNT CuLLiir [I.]. She, who was ft. at 86 Southampton Row, 10 Sep. and ftsjn 9 Nov. 1818, at St Geo. Bloomsbury, tL at St Dunstan*s, Regents park 17 and was bur. 21 April 1897, at Aldenham, a|^ 78.^ FamUp Atalet.— These, in 1888, consisted of 2,088 seres in Herts ; 1,260 in Oion and 67 in Berks. !rWal.— 8,405 aores, worth £6,177 a year. PrMptU AmI* Aldenham House, near Elstree, Herts. AMHERST OF HAGKNET. Barony. i. William Am hurst Ttbsbn-Aiihbrst (farmerly Tybbbk- L 1892 AxBUBs* *o^» before that, Danibl-Ttsbih), of Amherst, oo. Kent, Did- linffton Hall, oo. Norfolk, and of Hackney, oo. London, 1st s. and h. of William George Tt88KR-Amhuii8t(^). formerly Daribl-Ttsbkr and, before that, Davibl, of the same {d, 80 Dec 1885, aged 64), by Maty, 1st da. ot Andrsw FouMTAiNB, of Narford Hall, Norfolk, was ft. there 26 and ftop. 26 April 1886, at Narford ; ed. at Eton, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; took (together with his father) the name of Tytten-AmhurH, in lieu of that of Daniet-Tyiten, by ntyal lie 6 Aug. 1852; High SheriiT of Norfolk, 1866 ; took, by royal lie., 16 Aug. 1877, the name of Tifiim-Amkertt in lieu nf that of T)f$9en-Jmhurii ; was M.P. for West Norfolk, 1880-85, and for South West Norfolk, 1885-92. and was er. 26 Aug. ]892(*) BARON AMHERST OF HACKNEY, oo. London,(f) with a spec. rem. of that dignity, failing heirs male of his body, to his eldest da., wife of Lord William CioiL, and the heirs male of her body. He m. 4 June 1856, at Hunmanby, co. York, Margaret Susan^ da. and h. of Robert Mitkord, of Mitford Castle and of Hunmanby afsd.. Admiral R.N., by Margaret, da. of James DumMOM, of Edinburgh. She waa ft. 8 Jan. 1886, at Lttcker, oo. Northumberland* and ftap. there.^^ (A) This wss one of no less than 8 introductions on the same date, «<s., one Earl (Gairington), 1 Viscount (Peel of Sandy) and 6 Barona (Burghdere of Walden, James of Hereford, Qlenesk, Rathmore of Shanganagh, Pirbright, and Aldenham). (^) She was granted by Royal warrant, dated 4 Sep^ 1888, the precedency of the da. of a Viscount («) In the time of his father (the 6th Viscount who enjoyed that title aboTc 86 years, 1716), tJie orthography was altered from Cokayne to GcMkayne. (<l) He was s. snd h. of William George Daniel, afterwards (1814) Daniel-l^sen of East Farleigh, Kent (d, 18 Jan. 1888), by Amelia, da. of John Amhurst, Capt RN. (d. 1788, aged 64), heir to her mother, Mary (her father's second wife), da. and h. of Francis John lessen, of Hackney abovenamed. C) This wss one of 8 Baronies conferred at the recommendation of Lord Salisbury, when leftTing office, for a list of which see vol ▼. n. 126, note '* c*' No less than two of these, of which Uiis was one, were granted with a special remainder. (0 See p. 47 note " a ** raft Wandsworth, ss to " the county of London." In a letter, however, 22 April 1897 (marked -ixj) ^rom the "London County Council, Estates snd Valuation denartment," signed *' Andrew Toung, Valuer, pr. W.G." in reply to enquiries (made by the Editor) it is stated that '* By the Local Goremment Act, 1888, and the Metropolis Local Management Act, 1885, Putnejr, which includes Roehampton, was incorporated and became part of London^ ceasing from that time to form part of Surrtjf I ** It is presumed therefore that this remark (mutatii mfUtrndii) applies generallT to all other olaoea now aituated In the county (or "adminlstntiTe county ^asy at first. It was certainly dssignated) of London.