Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/250

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240 APPKNDIX. BGERTON OP TATTON. f.e. *< EoBRTON OF Tatton, 00. Chester," Earldmn {EgerUm er, 22 July 1897.(*) See Oorrigenda^ &o. to Eqkbtoh or TATTOHt Beronj er. 1869, mb the 2nd Baron. FAIRLIR t.e. '< Fairijb of Fairlie, oo. Ayr/' Barony (Boyle), er. 23 July 1897.(*) See ** GiAaaow" Earldom [S.] a*. 1703, tub, the 7th Earl. FAllRER OF A&INGER. Barony. /. Sir Thomas Hbnrt Farrir, Bart, of Abinger Hall, I 1893 ^' Sun^y' ^"* ^' ^^ •^"°« 1^^^* BARON FARRER OP ABINQBR, oo. Surrey. He waa lat a. and h. of Thomaa Farrbr, of Linooln'a Inn fields (d, 23 Sep. 1833 aged 45), by Cecilia, da. of Richard WiLua, of Halanead, oo. Lancaatar ; was 6. 24 June 1819 in Bedford Place, Roaaell Square; ed. at Eton, and at Ball. ColL Oxford ; 2d daaa, 1840 ; B.A 1841 ; Barriater (Una Inn) 1844 ; Bometime Permanent Sec. to the Board of Trade, retiring in 1886 ; waa er. a Baronet, 22 Oct 1883 and rawed to tke peerage, 10 yean later, 22 June 1893, aa above- atated ; Alderman of the London County Council. He «. firstly 10 Jan. 1854, at Paddingt«>n, Frances, da. of William Ekskimb, of the Indian Civil Serrioe. She d. 15 May 1870. He m. secondly, 30 May, 1873, Katherioe Euphemia, da. of Henaleigh Wbdqwood, of 31 Queen Anne street =t= FamUy Atalet.— These, in 1883, were under 2,000 acrea ; the estate at Abinger, oo. Surrey, which then beloniced to Lord Abinger, but which haa ainoe been purchased by him, eonaiated, in 1883, of 1,0C5 acres, worth £689 a year. Principal Seat,— Abinger Hall, near Dorking, Surrey. GLENESK. Barony. i. Sir Algbrnon Borthwick, Bart., was er., 16 Nov. I 1895 ^^^^* BARON GLENESK of Glenesk, co. Midlothian. He waa lat B. and h. of Peter Bortbwick, many years M.P. (Conserr. interest) for Evesham, and, subsequently. Editor uf the '* Morning Post '* news- paper (d, 18 Dec. 1852, aRed 48), by Margaret, da. of John Coltillm, of Ewart, Northumberland ; was b, 27 Pea 1830, at Cambridge and bap. there ; ed. at Paria, and King'a Coll., London ; became, in 1853, Proprietor of the " Morning Post " afsd. ; was knighted at Windsor, 20 April 1880 ; waa M.P. (Conaerv. int) for South Kensington, 1885-95 ; was er. a Baronet, 27 July 1887, and rateed to the peerage, 16 Nov. 1895, aa abovesUted, being introduced, 11 Feb. 1896.(^) He m., 5 April 1870, at St Paul's, Knightabridge, Alice Beatrice, da. of Thomaa Henry Listbr, of Armitage Park, oo. Sufford, by Maria Thereaa, sister of the 4th Earl or Clabbndon, da. of the Hon. George Vii.utiia."r A Familf JEitelei.— These, in 1883, were under 2,000 acres. JM<ienee.— Heath House, Hampatead Heath. HAMBLEHEN. Visoountoy. i. Emilt Smith [bom Danvbrs], widow of the Rt. Hon. I 1891. William Henry Smith, First Lord of the Treasury, waa, for the eminent services of her late huabaud, er. 11 Nov. 1891, VISCOUNTESS HAMBLEDEN of Hambleden, co. Buckingham, with rem. of that dignity to the heirs male of the body of her said husband. She waa lat da. of Frederick Dawea DANyBBa,(«) of the Duchy of Lancaster ((f. 21 Oct. 1867, aged 71) by Charlotte Maria, da. of John Rawunson ; was 6. 1828 ; m. firstly, 22 July 1854, at the Savoy chapel, Benjamin Auber Lkboh, who d. a.p.m. 20 July 1855. • ^ ^^ (•) Thia was one of the creationa for the " Diamond " Jubilee. See p. 239, note " a." (b) This was one of no lesa than eight introductions, for a list of which see p. 231, note <*a," eub ••Aldenham." (•) See )(aoiuui»m'i " J>an9er$ FmU^ " [1895], p. 464.