Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/259

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APPENDIX. 249 STRATHCONA AND MOUNT ROYAL OF GLENCOE AND MOUNT ROYAL. Barony. i. "Thb Hon. Sir Donald Albxandbr Smith, a.0.M.O., I 1897 H^sh Oommiimouer in Lundon, for the diimtiiion of Oimada,*' • was cr. Auk. 1897,(*) BAUON STRATHCONA AND MOUNT IiOYAL(«>) OF OLENCOB, oo. Argyll AND OF MOUNT ROYALL, in the province of Quebec, in the dominion of Canadft. He waa a. of Alexander Smith ; waa ft. 1821 ; entered, Ht an early age, the service of the Hudaon'a Bay CJompanv, of which he was, subsequently, the last resident Governor ; was M.P. for Montreal in the Dominion Pari, of Canada, 1880-97 ; Pree. of the Bank of Montreal ; Director of the Canadian Pacific Hallway, and of the Great Northern Railway of Minnesota, U.S.A. ; Hon. LL.D. of the Uuiva. of Cambridge and Yale ; Chancellor of McQill Univ. ; High Commissr. for Canada in London aince 1896 ; K.O.M.O., 1880 ; O.O.M.O., 1896 ; being raised to the peerage ... Aug. 1897, as aboveatated.C^) (*) This waa one of the crealioos for the " Diamond " Jubilee. See p. 239, note "a." (^) Not '* Montreal,' thu* |M)ssibly chosen for its likeuess thereto and etymologiciil identity. (0) •< One of the moat distinguished Canadians of his time, and has been closely identified with the leading political and social movements iu the Dominion for ueiirly half a oentuiy." [Morninff Poit, 22 June 1897.]